7 Hacks Winners Use To Be Productive

If you’re struggling to boost your productivity, try these 7 hacks that the most successful people use to get the job done. 

In current times, productivity is tricky. There are many challenges that we all face. Maybe you are working in a different location or maybe you have a different temporary job role. Perhaps you’re juggling family life with your work life in a way that you didn’t have to before.

Whatever is causing you to struggle with productivity, don’t worry. This isn’t forever, there is always something to be done to boost the work you produce. Let’s take a look at some hacks used by the most successful people, to help you get a boost on your work productivity:

1. Utilise Technology

Technology can be so distracting, actively working against productivity but it can also be of great help too. There are some amazing apps out there helping you to make to-do lists, to stay off social media, and to work in short bursts of high-energy activity. Winners know that it’s OK to get help from the latest technology available to boost job performance.

2. Delegate

Winners also know that delegation is key when you are a manager. If you are in charge of others, don’t try and do all the work yourself. Delegate effectively so you can then be productive in your own job role, getting your own tasks done effectively.

3. Create A Space To Work

A cluttered, noisy space can be distracting and hinder productivity and even morale. Clear your space, add a pot plant or two and cultivate the kind of environment that helps you work. If you are struggling for space at home, consider using cheap self storage to empty the spare room, and turn it into a home office instead. Prices have come down greatly in recent years, you can check https://storing.com/ for more information.

4. Get Rid Of Distractions

Distractions come in all shapes and sizes and everybody gets distracted by different things. If yours come in the form of social media then utilise technology, as we mentioned above, to quieten down those noisy sites and focus on your work instead. If your distractions come from noise from other workmates or your family, invest in some noise cancelling headphones, or, as above, get a private space to work. Your productivity depends on you being able to focus.

5. Check How Well You Did At The End Of Each Day

At the end of each day, take a look at your productivity. Did you complete all the tasks you wanted to do? If you didn’t assess why and improve tomorrow with new motivation and energy. There’s no point in beating yourself up for what you didn’t achieve today when you can just learn from it and do better tomorrow.

6. Take Breaks

It is so important to take breaks when you are trying to be productive. It gives you something to aim for, and it gives your brain a rest so that it can then have enough energy to work hard when you begin working again. Try to include a walk in the garden or, a stroll around the block into your routine every few hours.

7. Do The Work You Want To Do Least, First

We often put off the tasks we hate the most, which can leave to an unproductive day of avoidance. Tackle that task first and you will have a boost, knowing all day that you have at least gotten that task over with and dealt with your workload priorities.

Productivity can be a challenge, especially when you work from home or in an adjusted work environment. Follow our tips above and you will hopefully see some better results soon. There is always a solution and a new approach to try, giving plenty of opportunity to improve on productivity within your job role.

Julie Lord

I have a Masters degree in PPE (UK) and now research and write as a freelancer on a variety of subjects such as personal finance, home improvements and work-life balance.

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