7 Hobbies For You to Learn in 2021

The year 2020 wasn’t easy, but we’ve made it to 2021. Why not spend this year learning a new hobby that will enhance your life and challenge you? Here are some perfect options.


You don’t need a green thumb to garden. All you need is a desire to learn. It also helps if you like to be outdoors sometimes. Whether you plant flowers or food, you can choose to cultivate a large garden or a small window box. Try growing herbs in your kitchen that you can use for meals. Get your entire household involved and make meals full of ingredients picked from your own grown plants. Gardening is also a great mental health boost. This hobby will get you outdoors to grab some vitamin D while also easing your mind. It’s a win.


If knitting reminds you of your grandmother, you haven’t perused the multitude of books and websites dedicated to this hobby. Knitting is a hobby for any age that allows you to make your own items or gift them to others.

Knitting is also a relatively cheap hobby. Yarn and knitting needles will get you started, and neither item will break the bank. You can knit on your own or join communities of knitters to collaborate.


A certain Netflix hit put chess back in the public eye recently, and there has never been a better time to learn. Chess helps you use logic and tests your mind in a way that aimless scrolling can’t. If you’re nervous about getting started, you can find a chess training program online to help. Once you know the basics, you will be able to enjoy this hobby for years to come. You can play against people you know or members of the online community.


Pretty much everyone has at least a few books they would like to get around to but never do. If you take up reading as an official hobby, you are more likely to make time for it instead of leaving those books to languish.

You don’t have to take the conventional route when it comes to grabbing a great read. E-books now make it easier than ever to take books with you on a device. Audiobooks are also a great option if you have a long commute or like to listen while you exercise. In fact, recent studies showed that your brain doesn’t care whether you listen or read. You are going to activate the same parts either way. Keep a list of what you read or start a book club so you can discuss your reads with others.

Learn a Language

Maybe you took high school French but don’t actually feel confident about speaking it. Now is the time to take advantage of programs that will help you learn. There are resources online for free or with small fees attached, and you can also purchase books or study guides.

Joining a community of people who are trying to learn the same language you are will increase how much you can communicate and practice with others. Once you are bilingual, you might even want to add more languages to the mix.


Geocaching is like an outdoor scavenger hunt for people of all ages. This hobby gets you outside to activate your body. However, it also makes you think because you have to follow clues to find the geocache you want.

You can download apps to find geocaching in your area. You will want to have tiny items with you to trade for the ones you find. That way, the next person who finds the location won’t be left empty-handed. Geocaching can be done with groups or alone, but it’s an excellent way to get outdoors and test your navigation skills.


Most of our phones have cameras that are fine for taking everyday photos. However, some of us like to go a bit deeper and use an old-school camera. Taking pictures using a camera that isn’t attached to a device is an experience all its own.

For tips on how to make your pictures turn out great, take a class or join a group to learn the basics. Photography is excellent for people who want to slow down and truly look at the world instead of just pass quickly through it.

Now is the perfect time to get out of your comfort zone and try something new.

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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