7 interior design ideas that will make your small living room appear spacious

Living in a limited space can present a perfect opportunity for unlocking the creative designer in you. The secret to living happily and comfortably in small quarters is being innovative in coming up with space-saving ideas as well as expressing your personal taste in designing. Creativity will give your room that warm welcoming ambiance and also some extra space. These 7 tips will help you make your small living room look bigger.

Make use of mirrors

Even professional interior designers will attest to the fact that placing a mirror in a strategic position will make a small space feel larger. Hanging a large mirror in a central location helps to reflect light and create a welcoming atmosphere in the room.  Another perfect idea would be to place your mirror opposite the window for a better reflection of your room.

Go for neutral colors

Use of light colors and neutrals on walls, floors and ceilings is a classic option for small living spaces. For instance, off-whites and beiges may appear to push the walls behind creating an impression of an expanded room. In addition, light colors bring a touch of sophistication to your living room and create a soothing ambiance.

Be economical with your texture and patterns

A small living room with a lot of decorations especially on the walls will look crowded which is what you want to avoid.  When it comes to décor, the rule is to stick to the basics since your space is limited. For example, consider having one piece of your favorite wall art hung in a central point that will instantly draw the eye. You can as well create a wall of art full of your favorite wall paintings. Also, a small side table, a scatter cushion or two can organize your space without leaving you panting for air.

Multi-task with your furniture

This is an important aspect of saving up on your space. One piece of furniture can serve more than one purpose and accommodate all the needs of your living room with minimal effort. For instance, sofas can fold up to beds and tables can double-up as working desks. Floating drawers are awesome options instead of drawers as they offer extra storage compartments for necessities.

Emphasize the natural source of light

A sunlit room looks brighter and feels more open and cozy. Sunshine helps to get rid of shadows that can make a dark room feel smaller. As mentioned earlier, placing a mirror across from your window will reflect light and will, therefore, enhance illumination of your living room. If natural light is limited, a track lighting can serve as a perfect substitute. Flexible track heads will not take up valuable floor space but will offer the same quality of lighting as direct sunlight.

Being orderly is the key

Small spaces can be very unforgiving and any tiny clutter or anything out of place will seem such a big deal.  Organize your living room by getting rid of loose- lying material, store magazines and TV remotes in the side table drawers and be sure to replace shelves with floating drawers which are known to make less space.

Consider the visual weight of your furniture

When shopping for furniture it is possible to perceive its heaviness by looking at certain features such as its size, design or color. Furniture with a lightweight appearance will giving your room a magnified appearance as compared to those which are heavier. For instance, pieces that have legs are a good option than their boxy counterparts. Also, glass coffee tables will take up less visual space due to their transparent nature compared to the wooden ones. The secret here is to shop for furnishing that you can easily see through them as they will make your living room look more open.


The living room is probably the space where you spend most of your time with family and friends and it should be kept as cozy as possible. You can make your small living room appear more spacious by utilizing the above ideas as well as incorporating some stylish features that represent your personality. Allow your creative juices to flow and refurbish this critical space into the room of your dreams.

Simon Hopes

I am Simon Hopes, a reputed guest blogger, who has been in this profession for about 7 years now. I have been sharing my opinions & contributing to varied websites.

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