7 Places to Find the Most Reputable Lawyer You Need

Finding a good attorney may be the most important step you can take toward winning a legal case and it doesn’t have to be a difficult task. You will, however, need to take your time with the search. Focus your efforts on finding a lawyer that has dealt with your specific legal issue in the past and that you get along with personally. Taking the time to find the right lawyer will be worth it, as they are more likely to help you win your case.

Personal Referrals

A better approach is to talk to people in your community who have experienced the same problem you face. Ask them who their lawyers were and what they think of them. If you talk to half a dozen people who have had a similar legal problem, chances are you’ll come away with several good leads.

But don’t make a decision about a lawyer solely on the basis of someone else’s recommendation. Different people will have different responses to a lawyer’s style and personality; don’t make up your mind about hiring a lawyer until you’ve met the lawyer, discussed your case, and decided that you feel comfortable working with him or her.

Business Referrals

Businesses that provide services to key players in the legal area you are interested in may also be able to help you identify lawyers you should consider. For example, if you are interested in small business law, speak to your banker, accountant, insurance agent, and real estate broker. These people come into frequent contact with lawyers who represent business clients and are in a position to make informed judgments.

Online Services

Many sites offer a way to connect with local lawyers based on your location and the type of legal case you have. You answer a few questions about your case and your contact information, then the right type of lawyers contact you directly. Talk to a local lawyer.

Determine what type of attorney you need. It is always preferable to locate an attorney who has specialized expertise in the practice area that your case involves such as malpractice law, compensation law. It’s also a good idea to find attorney familiar with the courts and laws of the area where you live

Lawyer for the Day Programs

Some courts have volunteer lawyers who help you with your case for that day only. Every program is different and has its own rules. Check with your court to make sure the Lawyer for the Day program will be open on the day that you will be in court.

Certified lawyer referral services

You could call a local State Bar-certified lawyer referral service. This type of service refers potential clients to attorneys. After interviewing you, the referral service staff will match you with a lawyer who is experienced in the appropriate area of the law.


You also could check the Yellow Pages, newspaper advertisements or the Internet in your search for an attorney. Most lawyers choose not to advertise, other than to list their names, addresses and telephone numbers in the Yellow Pages. But lawyers are allowed to advertise in the Yellow Pages, in newspapers and magazines, on the radio and television, on billboards, on the Internet or any place else — as long as the ad does not contain false or misleading information. Lawyers may use ads to list their fields of law. They also may post their fees.

If you decide to call a lawyer featured in an advertisement, keep the ad for reference. If the ad was aired on the radio or television, make notes for your records.

Free legal aid agencies

What if you can’t afford a lawyer? Depending on your income and the nature of your legal problem, you may be able to get free or low-cost legal help in non-criminal cases from a legal services program. Check the Internet or white pages of your telephone book to see if such an organization is located in your area.

Candice Larson

Candice Larson likes to travel from time to time. She’s currently busy with ad agency work and graduate studies. Candice is into writing, designing, and food critic.