7 Reasons You Don’t Have the Skin You Admire

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Do you wish that your skin was healthier, clearer, or more vibrant? If so, then you should know that wanting better skin is normal. This is part of being human; we all want to be the best versions of ourselves that we can be. Continue reading to discover seven reasons why you don’t have the skin that you covet.

1. You may be using the wrong products for your skin type
Some people do not see they type of results that they want in their skin from the products that they purchase because they are buying the wrong type of products for their skin type. Are you sure that you really know what type of skin you have? If not, consult a professional.
For example, many people who think that they have oily skin actually have combination skin. The products that they use may be overly drying and damaging to the portions of the skin that do not produce excess amounts of oil. Once you figure out what your skin type truly is, you can make an informed plan of how you should proceed with treating it.

2. Your expectations could be unfeasible
Do you desire a standard of skin that is unreasonable? When you are setting goals for the health and appearance of your skin you also have to take into account that you are human and your body has limits. Every person is different and it is very important to not spend time too much time comparing yourself to others.
While having aspirations is wonderful, you should aspire to help your skin achieve the best state that it can and not try to emulate someone else’s skincare standards. You could already have amazing skin and not realize it.

3. Your skin could be reacting to the change in season
The seasons change throughout the year, and many people’s skin changes along with the weather. You may love the natural dew that your skin has during the summer, but hate the dry, sallow state that it takes on during the winter and fall. As the seasons change you will have to alter the products that you use on your skin, as well as the daily skincare routine that you follow. See this guide produced by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery; it gives you tips on how to care for your skin throughout the four seasons.

4. Your skin changes could be attributed age
As we age our skin ages as well. You will notice changes in the texture, radiance, and firmness of your skin. These changes affect the appearance of your skin, but they can also have a profound influence on your confidence. There are many things that you can do including using the best skin firming lotion, protect your skin from sun damage, and add an anti-aging serum to your skincare regime. If you are in need of anti-aging serum Solvaderm’s ACE-FERLIC is a highly effective product which reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on the surface of the skin and improves its texture. You can learn more about ACE-FERLIC here.
While you should do all that you can to preserve and protect your skin you also have to come to terms with the fact that it will change as you age. We all have a limited life-cycle and aging is a part of it.

5. The problem could be your diet
Beauty is more than skin deep. The health and state of your skin is built upon what you put into your body. There are many things that you can add to your diet to help it gain the basis for healthy skin, and there are also things that you should avoid.
What you should eat
• Water- it helps your skin stay moisturized and helps the body get rid of toxins.
• Berries- these delicious fruits are full of antioxidants that combat free radical damage.
• Citrus Fruits- the vitamin C in these fruits will protect your skin from sun damage and helps to build proteins like collagen and elastin that firm the skin.
What you shouldn’t eat
• Sugar- sugar can cause acne and speed up aging; it increases oil production which clogs the pores and breaks down collagen which keeps your skin firm.
• Dairy- cows are given many hormones so that they are able to produce milk year-round and when you consume dairy products you are ingesting these hormones which can cause your skin to react negatively.
• Processed Food- pre-packed dinners and processed meat or snacks are all full of fat, oil, chemicals, and sugar. None of these things are good for your skin or your body.

6. You may need to repair your skin
Unlike pimples which come and go, scarring remains on the surface of the skin. If you have scars on your skin or sun damage you may need to take measures to repair your skin. You can do this by adding products that target damaged skin, or by undergoing medical treatments to repair the skin.
7. You don’t remove dirt from your skin each day
Cleansing your skin is so, so important. Every day we are exposed to dirt, pollution, free radicals, oil produced by our skin, and makeup. Cleansing your skin twice a day will ensure that these things don’t seep into your pores and clog them. Use a moisturizer as well as a toner. One toner that you should see is Solvaderm’s Maxatone. It clarifies the skin and tightens pores; learn more about this product here.

1) https://www.consumerhealthdigest.com/skin-care/skin-care-habits-you-should-immediately-quit.html
2) http://www.facetreatment.com/know-the-bad-skin-care-habits-that-you-need-to-break/


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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