7 Signs will let you know about gallstone problems

Stomach pain is sometimes not just pain but a gallbladder attack. Now the question is how do you know it is a gallbladder attack or is it gallstones in the gallbladder?

Here are 7 common signs which show that it may be gallstone problems.

1. Abdominal pain
The pain in the abdomen is the most common symptom that you have gallstones. There is sudden and intensifying pain in the upper right in the upper right part of the abdomen. Sometimes, the pain is mild and sometimes it is severe and frequent. It usually happens after every meal, especially high cholesterol food, for some patients with gallstones.

This pain may radiate to other parts of the body such as the back or chest. And the pain usually lasts for a few hours which resolves on its own later.

2. Nausea, vomiting and heartburn
This symptom cannot be directly linked to gallstones as there may be some other health issues. People may mistake gallstone problem to an upset stomach, acid reflux or gas. But if nausea and vomiting recurs repeatedly after every meal, this is the sign of gallbladder problem. It is important to consult a general physician.

3. Jaundice
The skin and eyes may turn yellowish which a sign of stone in the bile duct. There are chances that there is a blockage in the common bile duct. That blockage causes bile to build up in the gallbladder and increase the concentration of a yellowish substance called bilirubin. Jaundice may also occur to some people due to anemia or liver problem. Therefore, without any delay, consult a doctor.

4. Dark urine and pale stool
Light-colored stools and dark urine are signs of blockage due to stones. The normal feces gets color from bile pigmentation.

5. Fever and chills
Blockage due to gallstones can cause a buildup of bile in the gallbladder. Pain, chills, and a high fever are symptoms which you may notice after a meal. Consult a physician as he may suggest some tests including blood tests and a scan to the flow of bile. This will help the doctor to confirm your gallstones.

6. Family history of gallstones and other health conditions such as obesity
Gallstones are highly likely to run in the family. It is more common in women and older people than in men. People who are obese are also at higher risk of getting gallstones. Obesity is connected to increased production of cholesterol in the liver which results in more cholesterol in the bile. Therefore, there is a chemical imbalance in the bile resulting in gallstones.

For women, it may be the result of birth control pills, hormonal therapies, menopause or pregnancy. There is an increase in the level of estrogen which increases cholesterol and makes it harder for the gallbladder to empty.

7. Chronic diarrhea
Is your bowel movement frequency more than 4 times a day? This is again a sign of chronic gallbladder problem.

How to get the signs of gallstones diagnosed?

The first thing that a doctor would suggest is to get blood test and urine test. This is to check the cholesterol level and bilirubin. Image testing is also done to know the size of the stone(if any) and see if the bile duct is blocked through X-ray and ultrasound.

People look for home remedies to treat gallstones

People, when they come to know they have gallstones, they try to treat it with home remedies. The most common home remedies to treat gallstones are:

● Exercise
● Dietary changes such as avoiding fried and fatty foods. Increasing nutrient-rich food such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, olive oils, beans.
● Apple cider vinegar
● Heated compress
●Remember that these home remedies may give relief from pain and discomfort, but it is difficult to eradicate gallstones completely from the body.

How are gallstone problems treated surgically?

When the gallstones become a problem, the only way to get rid of them is surgery to remove the gallbladder. It is known as cholecystectomy. Most of the time, this is done laparoscopically. In laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the surgeon makes small incisions through the instrument called laparoscope which has a camera on top of it.

This is a minimally invasive procedure which takes around 30 – 40 minutes and the patient gets discharged within 24 hours of the surgery. The success rate is high and there are negligible post-surgery complications. To know the risks and benefits of, and alternatives to surgery for gallstones removal, talk to your doctor.

Final Words

For a lot of people, gallstones do not show any symptoms and may get flushed without their notice. While other need proper treatment to get rid of this gallbladder problem.

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the best treatment for removal of gallstones. It is a very effective day procedure. If you opt for home remedies or medication, gallstones are more likely to recur as soon as you stop taking them. Even after the surgery, it is important to make lifestyle changes and dietary changes to avoid them from happening again.

Lara Buck

Lara Buck, a knowledgeable and qualified blogger. Here you can see my skills which gives you brief ideas on understanding all the concepts with different themes.

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