7 Steps to Find the Right Divorce Attorney

When you’re about to face a divorce, it’s one of the most confusing times. But one thing’s for sure: You’ll need a good divorce attorney to talk things over. After all, it’s difficult to understand all the legal terms and contracts you’ll face throughout the process.

While people think not hiring a divorce attorney helps them cut costs, it can actually heighten expenses. You just have to know who the right one is rather than waste all your money either on the wrong person or going to different ones. With that said, read on to learn about the seven steps to find the right divorce attorney.

Seven Steps to Find the Right Divorce Attorney

The issue with many is that they don’t know how to choose an attorney. Remember, you’re investing your money in one for your share of properties and assets, so you need the best. Make sure to follow these seven basic and helpful steps:

  1. What Process to Use and the Legal Service Needed?

Before anything else, you have to know what divorce process you’ll be going through. There is litigation, collaborative divorce, or other divorce processes based on what you and your spouse agree in. This can help narrow down your choices to attorneys who are experienced in such processes.

Furthermore, consider the size of the legal services you need. Those who have complicated financial situations or a lot of assets will require bigger law firms. For those who don’t have a lot of assets, children, or have had a short marriage, then a solo lawyer will do just fine.

  1. How Much Can You Afford?

The one thing that worries people are how much attorneys can be! It’s best to balance out the level of legal services required AND their cost of services and other fees that have to do with the divorce. Make sure you’re realistic and honest with what you can shell out for the attorney.

I highly recommend that you do NOT get the cheapest one and hope for the best. But you don’t need to get the most expensive one to reap good results. There are other things to consider other than a reasonable budget.

  1. Ask Around and Do Your Research

One of the best ways to find an efficient divorce attorney is by asking trusted people. If you know anyone who’s been through a divorce and are satisfied with their lawyers, then ask for their contacts. You can also ask lawyers you know (who don’t do divorces) for referrals.

Besides this, you can also do your research online, though just use the Internet wisely. Avoid slick websites or sweet words, and take any positive or negative ratings you see online with a grain of salt.

  1. Find Lawyers Experienced In Family Law

When getting a divorce, you’ll want someone with experience on your side. You shouldn’t hire someone just because you know them or that they are a lawyer. You need someone who works in divorce and has more experience in it.

BUT, you don’t need a lawyer that ONLY does divorce. I recommend that you get a family law attorney who’s also experienced with the type of divorce you’re using.

  1. Interview Before Choosing One

Once you’ve done your research and narrowed down your choices, make sure that you take time to interview. It’s best to interview at least two lawyers and ask the right questions rather than select the first you see. List down the questions you need to ask and avoid speaking with emotion, having a pen and paper to list down important notes to help you choose later on.

  1. Consider Their Location, Compatibility, and Qualifications

Besides the experiences, ratings, and word of mouth, make sure that you consider other aspects.

You’ll need someone within a close distance to your lawyer’s office so you can easily visit him to work on the case. Furthermore, you’ll also need to feel comfortable with your chosen attorney to work together efficiently. Watch out for any red flags and make sure they are open to different questions, reply logically, and do not add fluff or tell you what you want to hear.

  1. Listen to Your Head AND Gut

Now that you’ve already narrowed down to one or two, make sure that you use logic. Do NOT stick with emotions and listen to your gut. If you feel like there are red flags, go for it and go for someone you trust.

Wrapping It Up

Hopefully, this article on how to find the right divorce attorney helped you out! So don’t wait any longer and begin your search now, following more tips on where to hire an attorney.

Do you have any questions or want to share your own tips and experiences in an attorney? Do comment below, I would appreciate all your thoughts!

Pavan Rajput

Pavan Rajput is writer. He has written articles on all niche including tech, pet, lifestyle etc. He loves travelling and reading books.

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