7 tips to stop snoring in your sleep

Many adults have reported loud snoring by their partners at night. Snoring is usually the result of reduced airways in either your throat or your nostrils that control the amount of oxygen that enters your body. The sound is caused by the vibrations made by air when it is having troubles getting through your tongue, muscles in the back of your throat. The throat or nasal tissue are responsible for the vibrations that cause the snoring sound. If the air you breathe has problem while passing through the nose and the mouth as you sleep, it will result in snoring.

People believe that snoring is something that comes with age but that is not true. It also depends on the body build, nasal and sinus problems, and sleep posture. If the factor behind the troubled breathing is identified, then you can adjust your sleeping habits and solve the problem of breathing. One effective way to find out the factor behind it is ton ask the non snorer to record the snoring patterns and then see.

Tips to Stop Snoring

The chances of snoring increase with the age and one-third of people between ages 55 and 84have been identifies to snore. It is better to not avoid the symptoms of snoring and to get it cured to prevent sleep apnea in coming years and potentially other health illnesses affiliated with snoring. Here are seven easy, natural remedies that can improve the quality of sleep and cure snoring.

1. Sleep on Your Side

Snoring can increase when people sleep on their back. It is thus suggested for the person to sleep on his side to get a comfortable night’s sleep. sleeping on the back can narrow the airway and prevent proper breathing, whereas sleeping on the side will make sure that the base of the tongue doesn’t collapse into the back of the throat.

2. Elevate Your Head

Keeping the head a little elevated while going to sleep can take pressure off the airway and make breathing easier. It can be done by using a soft pillow under the head. That will allow the oxygen to pass more easily through the airway and create a better sleeping position.

3. Throat and Tongue Exercises

The purpose of the exercise is to make the jaw muscles strong. You can exercise by simply putting your upper and lower molars together. Then open your mouth slowly, focusing on pressing your molars as wide apart as you can and do not overstretch.. Repeat this ten to twenty times. This exercise when done over the period of time will help with the opening up of the mouth and easy passage of oxygen.

  1. Inhale Steam

Sometimes, the disturbed breathing can be a result of swelled up nasal passage. One way to open up the passage is to take steam before going to bed. Take a bowl of boiling water, place your head over a it and then cover it with a towel. Breathe in and out for few minutes to reduce swelling in your nasal passages. Adding a few drops of essential oil to open up your nostrils might be a good option and also relieve nasal congestion.

  1. Mouth Guard

If it is still difficult to sleep, you can visit your dentist and ask them to prescribe you an anti-snoring mouth guard or oral appliance for sleep apnea. These mouth guards can hold your teeth together and keep your jaw muscles in place so they do not become too loose and allow normal passage for air.

  1. Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol is believed to be a muscle relaxer that can relax your tongue and throat muscles more when you sleep. These relaxed muscles increase the chances of snoring in the person. Refraining from alcohol few hours before you go to sleep will help to reduce your chances of snoring.

  1. Lose Weight

One of the leading problems that have been associated with snoring is overweight. Hence, keeping a check on the diet and trying to cut down the extra calories might be a good option if your are trying to reduce weight. The weight, if not checked, can become too much and cause your throat to narrow when you lie down and produce snoring when you sleep.

Derek Alam

Derek Alam is an SEO and a content writer as well. He has rich experience in content writing and writes quality content.

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