7 Ways To Sell Your House Fast

As the seller of a house, you will have to do more groundwork to get the house sold because any way you look at it, it is a buyer’s market all the time. This means selling a house can be hard if you are not duly prepared. These tips will help you sell your house faster.

1. Market the home aggressively

Buyers have many options, so many homes are going on sale all the time. However, when you make professional signage, make brochures, hold an open house day with coffee, cookies and time to show people through the entire house, you will see more response faster. At the same time, market the home aggressively online because more than 90 percent of homebuyers look for property online. Definitely, you will spend some money on listings and advertisings, but you want the home to sell faster.

2. Use anchor properties in the neighborhood

Ok, this requires that someone be selling their property in the neighborhood and that you should know the value of their home. Let us assume that a certain home in your neighborhood goes for $550,000 while you know very well that the real value of the home is $520,000. You can then list your home for $515,000. This makes the buyers feel that they are paying much less for your home than they would have paid for the other one.

3. It is love at first sight

Be like a wiry mistress, and know how to lure buyers. Great curb, great driveway, trimmed hedges, a painted fence, clean bathroom, scrubbed countertops and shampooed carpets are going to get you a buyer very fast. People decide whether to buy or not buy a house within the first five minutes, same as getting a second date.

4. Take awesome photos of the home

Photos can make a drab home look awesome. They can also make a great home look drab. Get a professional photographer if you must, but your home should look hot in the pictures. Buyers depend on the pictures to make a decision whether to buy or not. Get pictures that will emphasize the strongest points of your home. However, do not edit the photos to hide some details as that could amount to deceitful advertisement.

5. Get the price right

No one can overemphasize the importance of this, but the truth is that pricing your home too high can make you miss on a sale. However, most people think that it is best to price a home high and then lower the price during the negotiations, but buyers do their own research too and most likely, they know what similar homes in the neighborhood cost. Research shows that a sale comes from the first 30 days of listing the property.

6. Up the standard of your home

What is the standard of the homes in the market today, in your neighborhood? This means you have to upgrade the home some, maybe change some of the old lighting fixtures, water fixtures and so on. If the home is not in style, then many buyers will opt for one that is in style at the moment. So, if you want to sell your property fast, investing some money in renovation can be the best idea to increase the value and speed up the process.

7. Be flexible with your time

When are you available to show the house to buyers? Many buyers are most likely to go with the most available sellers. You could also leave the key at an accessible place and direct prospective buyers how to find it. Be ready to show buyers the house anytime, but mostly weekends, early mornings and evenings without much notice.


Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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