8 Benefits of Going to a Chiropractor

One of the most beneficial medical professionals, but most often underutilized, a chiropractor has beneficial services to offer that no man truly knows about. Chiropractors are trained in their field and operate on the basis that the body can heal itself with the help of hands-on manipulation. The main focus for treatment would be on your spine, and sometimes other areas of the body, to correct the positioning of your joints. The most common reasons people receive treatment from a chiropractor are for conditions that affect their bones, joints, muscles or causes pain in their neck and back. However, there are eight beneficial reasons to visit a chiropractor for treatment.

1. Relieve the Suffering from Migraines

An important benefit you can receive from any chiropractor is blissful relief from headaches and migraines. A headache is no fun to have, and it can make it difficult to concentrate for a period of time. A migraine on the other hand can be debilitating. If you suffer from migraines you can suffer from nausea, visual impairment, light sensitivity, vomiting, seeing spots, that can last for hours. Seeing a chiropractor regarding your migraines can help to relieve the symptoms, and even reduce the frequency at which you have migraines. Receiving treatment specifically for migraines will strengthen your muscles giving your spine more support, reducing muscle tension, and restoring proper blood flow throughout the neck, and head (Headaches, 2021).

2. Neck and Spine Alignment

There are several reasons for why the alignment of your neck and spine that you may not be aware of. The most common ways for the misalignment of the spine are having a job that involves long hours sitting, or heavy lifting. The way you sleep can also be a factor as a poor-quality mattress, pillow, or sleep posture can easily cause misalignment of the spine. Over time a misalignment can lead to neck and back pain. Instead of taking pain medication for temporary relief, make a visit with a chiropractor to realign your neck and spine. By having your spine realigned you’ll have improved mobility, spinal health, and a decrease in pain.

3. Eliminate the Reliance on Pain Medication

A lot of people who experience pain on a regular basis rely on prescribed pain relievers, or over-the-counter pain medication, to make it through the day. This is especially true for those that suffered an injury or have a health condition that causes physical pain. Making an appointment with a chiropractor for treatment in combination with any treatment you’re already receiving from your doctor can reduce your need for pain relief medication. This was also confirmed by a study conducted in 2020 that compared the number of pain relief medication that was filled out by those that only visited their doctor versus those that visited their doctor and a chiropractor for pain management. The study concluded that adults who visited a chiropractor along with their doctor were less likely to have their prescription filled than those that only visited their doctor.

4. Can Assist in Insurance Claim if in Car Accident

If you are ever in a car accident, then seeing a chiropractor is one of the first things you do. After a car accident, some people can experience neck or back pain. Auto accident chiropractors, Jonesboro GA Chiropractor, for example, are specially trained to identifying trauma and being able to determine if your condition was caused, or exacerbated, by the car accident. For example, if you have a slipped disk, herniated disk, or pinched nerve a chiropractor can give a complete narrative of the severity of your condition, its complications, and limitations since chiropractors treat these conditions on a regular basis. Having a chiropractor on your side can increase the chances of receiving a settlement that can for your medical care.

5. Improves Muscular Health and Athletic Abilities after an Injury

After sustaining an injury a chiropractor can be one of the best doctors to see to improve your muscular health. If you engage in sports, then visiting a chiropractor will definitely be the right course of action to get you back in the game. When you sustain an injury, have poor posture, or a misaligned spine your muscles adapt to the change in your body. It can result in some muscles tightening or spasming from overuse. Others muscles are can lengthen, and become loose, from being overly stretched. By seeing a chiropractor to address any of these issues, it can improve your muscular health by both tightening loose muscles, and relaxing tightened muscles surrounding the neck and spine. For an athlete, seeing a chiropractor has the added benefit of increasing joint mobility and flexibility resulting in less movement restriction.

6. Improves Cognitive Ability

This may be hard to believe, but seeing a chiropractor for any back or neck issue you may have can potentially improve your cognitive ability. When there are problems anywhere along the spine it can impair your nervous system. Having issues with your spine can cause overstimulation resulting in an overly stimulated mind, or under-stimulation causing depression. Seeing a chiropractor realign your back can improve nervous system functioning, and in turn improve your cognitive abilities.

7. Improving the Health of Your Internal Organs

When you have issues with your spine it can take a toll on your internal organs. If you sometimes have trouble with your breathing, heart, or digestion your spine may be to blame. Issues with your spine can shift, or put pressure on, your organs affecting their ability to function properly. Receiving treatment from a chiropractor can help improve the health of your internal organs. Once your spine is realigned back into its proper position your organs can return to their original positions allowing them to function properly.

8. Improve Posture and Scoliosis

Unfortunately, having poor posture for a long period of time can eventually lead to severe curvatures of the spine. Hyperkyphosis, also known as a hunch back, is sometimes the result of poor posture. This condition can even cause headaches, as well as pain in the neck and back. By visiting a chiropractor regularly it can take as little as a few weeks to begin seeing improvement in your posture. The same can said for those that suffer from scoliosis. Unlike hyperkyphosis, scoliosis is the curvature of the spine to the side. A chiropractor can reduce the curvature in your spine allowing for a better posture improving your overall health. 

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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