8 Tips and Tricks You Need to Win Solitaire

Solitaire happens to be one of the most classic card games to exist lately, which a person can dwell on whenever he’s free, or is looking for something effective that can prove to be productive to make a person get rid of his boredom.

Sometimes, while playing solitaire, you may can caught up in a loop where winning solitaire becomes way too challenging for you. However, now you really don’t have to worry any longer, as we have got you covered in this regard.

Knowing the rules and regulations of Solitaire aren’t enough on their own and can’t really ensure your win, this is why you need to get your hands on the right strategies along with tips and tricks in order to ensure you win at Solitaire, that too with ease.

With that being said, some of the best tips and tricks are being provided to you below, that will surely help you out in your game, and would provide you with a profound Solitaire experience, for sure!


  1. Master the rules


Not specifically in Solitaire, but while playing every game, getting familiar with the know how of the game should be a top priority of the players.

With that being said, once you get to know about the procedure of what you are supposed to do in the game, you eventually start to take well thought steps in your game, which would lead you towards your win within no time.


  1. Move Aces and Deuces


While playing solitaire, it becomes extremely important for you to ensure that whenever you get a chance to move your aces and deuces in the tableau, you should move both of these cards up on the foundation immediately.

These two cards happen to be the enemies of your success, and if left too long in the tableau, your chances of winning solitaire would decrease eventually, this is why you need to eradicate this hurdle from the tableau as quickly as possible.


  1. Maintain the right order


The tip that a person should really remember while playing Solitaire is that behind your every move, there are certain requirements that need to be fulfilled.

A player needs to build up a foundation in an ascending order which goes from Ace to all over the king, and this is why, you can’t just play cards on the game abruptly, and have to maintain the right order among all of your moves to ensure your win.


  1. Cards already in the foundation are not movable


While playing solitaire, you really need to be aware of the fact that once you place a card up in the foundation, then you have lost the right to move that card any further in the tableau.

Hence, while moving the card up to the foundation, you need to be super sure that the card is being placed in the right order, and on the right colored stack


  1. Keep the goal of the game in your mind


While playing solitaire, the only goal you should have in your mind is to win this thing at any cost, for which while moving any card within the tableau, you should have an aim, and a vision behind moving that particular card.

This way, you would be able to put more of your concentration in the game, and would eventually win the game in the end, with ease.


  1. Win the highest possible point


If you really want to beat the highscore of your friends in Solitaire, and want yourself to be classified as the pro of this game, then you need to be aware of the fact that the fewer the moves you make to win this game, the higher the points you would be receiving!


  1. Develop your foundation cleverly


Developing your foundation is a task that’s said to be easier than doing it on your own. Building up the foundation happens to be a risky task, however we would prefer you not to hesitate to leave some card in the stockpile as it is, as they can help you move further on in your game in future.


  1. Only play the Kings when you anticipate real benefits


While playing solitaire, you should be aware of the fact that Kings are the only card that can be placed in an empty cell, this is why it’s preferable not to make a cell empty if you don’t have a King card by your side, to fill that space up!




While wrapping it up, we are sure of the fact that once you start applying the all mentioned tips and tricks above one at a time in your Solitaire game, it will become much easier for you to make your way through the toughest game patterns and would eventually would start winning each and every solitaire game you play.

So what are you waiting for, open up a new Solitaire game on your phone on your laptop, try to apply these tips and tricks all in all, and witness yourself the perks these tips and tricks come in handy with!

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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