9 Ways to Help Your Kids Get Through Allergy Season

There’s nothing worse than sneezing and wheezing through the spring, summer, and fall. Here are 9 great ways to help your kids get safely through allergy season.

1. Have Your Kids Take Off Their Shoes

As soon as your kids come through the door, have them take off their shoes. This will go a long way toward keeping them from tracking pollen and other allergens into the home. It will also keep your rugs, carpets, and hardwood floors much cleaner.

2. Have Your Kids Change Their Clothes

In some extreme cases, it may be wise to have your kids change their clothes. This will go the extra mile in keeping spores, pollen, and other allergens out of your home.

3. Change the Air Filter in Your Home

One of the best ways to keep allergens out of the air that you breathe is to change your air filter. If your current filter is cracked, broken, or worn out, switch it out. Your best bet is to get a brand new 20x20x1 air filter.

4. Brush Out Your Rugs and Carpets

Another great way to prevent allergens from entering your home is to brush out your rugs and carpets on a regular basis. These are areas where pollen and other types of allergens can collect in a hurry. Take them outside and give them a good pounding until all of the dust, spores, and other grime is beaten safely out of them.

5. Sweep Your Floors Regularly

While the rugs and carpets are off the floor, you may as well give it a good sweeping. This will have the added benefit of getting rid of lots of dust, grime, pollen, and other irritants that may have literally fallen under the rug. Now that the cover is off, you can get in there and get rid of these pesky irritants.

6. Keep the Windows Closed

You will have no problem keeping your windows closed during the cold season. But you should also keep them closed during the allergy season. If the house gets too stuffy, you may consider using a heavy-duty screen on your windows. The primary objective is, of course, to keep dust, dirt, pollen, and other allergens safely out of your home.

7. Rinse Out Your Nasal Passages

If the allergies get really bad, you may consider buying some saline solution to rinse out your kids’ nasal passages. This will safely neutralize all of the dust, pollen, and other irritants that may be collecting on their nose hairs. It’s a safe and effective solution.

8. Eat Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Foods that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are a major boost to your immune system. Unfortunately, these acids are found in foods like oily fish and cod liver oil. However, you can give them fish oil supplements in the form of handy pills with their meal.

9. Take a Cool Shower

If you really want to rid your body of dust and grime, take a cool shower when you get home. Your kids can take showers before they change their clothes after a romp outside. It’s a great way to shake off allergens.

It’s Time to Protect Your Kids Against Allergies

Following all of the handy tips given above will help your kids avoid the very worst of allergy season. It will be up to you to do all in your power to keep your children free from these sneezy, wheezy ailments. This will also help them to sleep better at night and give you peace of mind as you navigate your way through this year’s allergy season.


Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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