Selling Your Home? Tools and Tips to Keep it Simple

Home sellers, particularly those who are selling for the first time, typically find the whole process mentally and emotionally draining. Throughout the selling process, there are a multitude of decisions that sellers can find confusing or details that sometimes create unexpected challenges or delays. Pricing correctly, conducting repairs, and investing in marketing, are just some of the more common considerations that sellers face. If you are getting ready to sell your home, go over these tools and tips listed below and make your selling process easier to navigate.

Know the Market

Pricing is the decision that creates the most uncertainty. Pricing too low or too high can dissuade prospective buyers before they even look at the house. What makes pricing a daunting undertaking, is the idea that there are seemingly innumerable factors that contribute towards the perfect price. The best tool at a seller’s disposal are comparable. This is a great starting point for sellers to determine the prices at which homes nearby are selling. Comps can be found on sites such as Zillow and Trulia, both of which share free real estate market data. However, analyzing comps must go beyond the prices of homes in your market. Consider how your home is different from others in the neighborhood. Square footage, lot size, and home condition are some things to note when looking at comps.

Use Online Marketing

The National Association of Realtors cites that 92% of homebuyers look up home information on the Internet. More importantly, 44% of homebuyers find their first home through the Internet. An inadequate or absent online presence can be a severe disadvantage in today’s real estate market. Online marketing can include the use of Multiple Listing Service (or MLS) systems, social media sites, and other platforms such as Craigslist. Brokers or realtors can assist with listing on the MLS. Consider using professional photography and videos. The sharp presentation of professional pictures or videos makes the best impact.

Use an Educated Realtor

Nowadays, home owners have many resources that enable them to undertake their own home sales, but give serious consideration to hiring an educated realtor. Hiring a realtor is about acquiring experience and knowledge. A good agent uses things like Success Path BBB, to learn more about the market, and aggressively vets potential buyers for you. At the same time, an educated realtor analyzes pricing, has marketing strategies, and comes prepared with recommendations. Therefore, when you hire a realtor, remember that you are hiring a real estate insider. Be confident in their ability and pay attention to those recommendations.

Consider the Condition

Prepare the home for potential buyers. This may mean anything between renovations to repairs. Look at the home from the eyes of a potential buyer. Renovations are an investment, and must only be undertaken if cost and time spent on the work can be recouped in the sale price. On the other hand, common minor repairs are generally worth the effort. Small repair jobs such as fixing a leaky faucet or filling plaster cracks can improve the home’s first impression. If you are uncertain where to start, a professional home inspection can provide the best insights. Another advantage to having a home inspection before is the ability to identify and subsequently disclose any problems to potential buyers. This helps to eliminate push back from buyers who may ask for repair work to be completed before the settlement date.

Home sellers want to get to home closing as quickly as possible. Dealing with the various complexities involved with a home sale, can make that goal seemingly beyond reasonable reach. However with some pre-planning, together with these tools and tips, you can make selling your home simpler and more straightforward.

Rachelle Wilber

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area.

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