7 Sneaky Ways to Save Money at Home

Saving money can feel like an endless uphill battle — especially when you have a growing family that never stops needing bigger shoes and more involved field trips. And if your kids aren’t eating you out of house and home yet, just wait until they’re teenagers!

Deep breaths. You can still set aside a good chunk of change every month to put into savings if you think outside the box a little. Try one or more of these tips to get started, and as you watch your savings start to grow, you’ll be inspired to keep going. Sure, a dollar here and there doesn’t seem like much at first, but in time it really does add up.

Let’s get started!

Try a Cash Rewards Credit Card

 There are loads of great credit cards out there, and as long as you use them responsibly, you can get some serious rewards just for buying the things you already need like groceries and gas. Choose a credit card that offers cash rewards, and they’ll pay you for your regular shopping trips. At the end of the year, cash out to pay off your balance — it’s the perfect way to pay for your holiday shopping! — or have them send you a check to deposit into your savings account. If you have a 529 plan to help pay for college, some rewards credit cards will pay into that account for your kids, too.

Quit a Bad Habit

If you have an expensive vice, quit! Smoking is the classic example, but everything from lattes to lottery tickets can add up quickly without doing much to add to your quality of life. The trick here is to be very conscious about not buying your favorite cash-waster, and instead, depositing that money directly into your savings account. Replacing a bad habit with a good one is the best way to break free from mindless consumption, and telling your family about it will help keep you honest.

Save Water Around the House

As your family grows, so does your use of expensive household utilities. Have you looked at your water bill lately? There are lots of ways to cut back, including setting a timer on your kids’ long showers and turning off the water while brushing your teeth. You can also cut your water bills by fixing any leaks. After all, a faucet that drips once per second will cost you 3,000 gallons of water in a year — and you’re paying for it!

Try a Programmable Thermostat

You can also cut your heating and cooling bills by getting smart about when you crank the heat — and when you turn it down. A programmable thermostat lets you use less energy while your family is at work and school, since your house doesn’t need to be all that toasty when no one’s at home. They’re easy to install and can help you save up to 10 percent on your energy bills. The thermostat will pay for itself in a few months, and after that, you can bank that extra cash.

Go Generic With Groceries

If your kids have a favorite cereal or snack food, you can probably get a cheaper version of it by buying a generic brand. This can be a tricky one to pull off if you have picky eaters (and who doesn’t?). Try storing cereal in clear, reusable containers so you don’t have to worry about your kids inspecting the boxes. You can also buy snacks in bulk and ration them in reusable containers for lunches. Once you get everyone used to that, swap the snacks for their generic counterparts. They’ll never notice.

Try a Motivation Jar

Are you having trouble sticking to a New Year’s resolution? Do you kids hate sitting down to do their homework? Try rewarding your family for doing the right thing by adding a dollar to your motivation jar whenever you catch each other doing a good job on something, whether it’s feeding the cat or going for a jog. When the jar is full, you can use your savings to celebrate, or you can put it towards something really big, like a vacation to Disney World or a trip to the lake. This is a fun take on the “swear jar” that lets you focus on the positive together.

Host a Potluck

Instead of going out to eat as the default way to socialize — or ordering in a pile of pizzas when you host kid-friendly get-togethers, start a potluck club instead. Cooking at home is definitely cheaper than hitting a restaurant, and when you spread the duties out, no one is stuck slaving away in a kitchen. Make it fun by coming up with themes: ethnic food nights, holiday celebrations, a Mad Men-inspired cocktail party, etc. Get creative and get your friends in on the fun, and you’ll soon wonder why you went out so much in the first place.

For any saving scheme to work, it helps to make it a little easier to commit to. Keep things fun, and you won’t feel deprived as you stash away extra cash to meet your goals. Start slow with just one of these ideas, and add more to your repertoire as you go. Before you know it, you’ll have a savings account that’s flush with moolah!

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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