Rolling with the Punches: 5 Life Hiccups and How to Handle Them

We tend to not realize how well things are going until something bad happens. Life is full of unwanted surprises, and part of being an adult is understanding how to handle yourself when things get hectic. Here is a list of five ways life can throw you a curve ball, and how to handle them.

Loss of Job

If you have a job that allows you to pay your bills and enjoy your life, you should feel grateful. Should you find yourself out of work, you may be understandably upset, depending on the circumstances. The worst thing you can do in this scenario is to retreat into yourself and dwell on the situation. Instead, you need to focus your energy on getting back into the workforce. Take a minute to polish your resume andĀ get in touch with friends and former colleagues for any possible leads. Remember to stay keep optimistic.

Money Troubles

Life can be expensive. Even if you are diligent about paying your bills on time and practice thrifty spending habits, you may find yourself waylaid by expenses that leave you scrambling to pay. You’ll need to be in clear communication with any business or person you owe money to. One of the best things you can do is work out a payment system to pay off your debt incrementally, or to consolidate debt into one single account. It’s also good to have a rainy day fund in case of sudden financial emergencies.

Getting In a Car Accident

It only takes a few seconds of distraction or a single wrong move to have devastating consequences. Even if you’re totally vigilant while driving, you can’t always account for other people on the road. If you’re involved in a car accident, you should do everything you can to remain calm and make sure that you and the other people involved are okay. Make sure to exchange insurance information and follow up on the case if necessary. If you or your family member was injured in the accident, it could be worth your time to speak with a lawyer who has experience dealing with claims related to auto accidents. Remember: your life and the lives of others are at stake when you get behind the wheel.


Not all marriages work out, and sometimes the choice to divorce is the best option. If you ever deal with a divorce, you’re likely to feel a weird variety of emotions. There might be regret, resentment and wishful thinking. The important thing is to deal with your emotions in a healthy way. Consider journalism, taking up a creative hobby or speaking with a therapist. Giving yourself constructive outlets for your emotions will help you handle the situationĀ in a good way.

Health Problems

A healthy body should never go unappreciated. If you do run into health troubles, the worst action is to make no action. Talk to your doctor about the best course to take. Understand that even if you don’t know exactly what is going to happen, you’re taking an important step by not hiding from your illness.

While not all of these problems are guaranteed to happen to you, there’s a chance at least one of them will. By following this advice, you can face your problems with a much better state of mind.

Kara Masterson

Kara is a freelance writer from West Jordan who graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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