How Your Family Can Assist a Loved One with a Major Injury

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Once an individual has undergone a traumatic injury, they begin to experience life differently. There are people who have been involved in accidents that resulted in major injuries and those who have not experienced a major setback in life. It becomes very difficult for the injured to relate to those who have not experienced a serious injury. It’s for this reason that family must be supportive, even if they can’t understand the mental state of the affected individual.

Offer Support Without Explanation

While it may seem like the right thing to do, your family member who is suffering from a major injury may not want to hear about a somewhat similar experience you have had. Unless you have experienced the same situation, any attempt to relate will fall short. The afflicted family member will feel like you’re downplaying the injury at best and at worst they will feel like you don’t grasp the gravity of the situation. Concentrate on providing support by helping your family member without trying to relate.

Try to focus on little things that can help show your support, whether that means helping with errands or paying bills, or getting them out of the house for an enjoyable distraction.

It Begins with Physical Healing

Your family member may feel elated and even joyful after surviving a serious accident. This is normal, but know that a depressive state is also likely coming. At first, the individual will likely feel grateful to be alive. However, with time, the reality of the situation may begin to sink in. Physical healing is only the beginning of the recovery process.

Dealing with the Emotional Aftermath

The length of time it will take to heal and their inability to engage in life will become more apparent. Anger and resentment over the accident may also begin to take hold. After the injuries heal, there will still be mental scars, so it’s important to avoid getting frustrated if the individual continues to focus on the injury or events leading to the injury. It may be necessary to get the individual professional psychological help to move on and lead a successful life once the physical injuries have healed.

When a Lawyer Is Needed

Most lawyers won’t let their clients know when a lawyer isn’t needed to get a satisfactory result. This ends up costing the client more money and isn’t the most honest way to go about treating injured individuals.

However, while you may get far on your own, you also can’t underestimate the importance of effective legal representation during a time when you’re not able to commit yourself both mentally and physically. It’s not always possible to make the right decisions, which is why a personal injury lawyer can help you navigate your legal situations.

Helping your family member recover from a serious trauma takes time, patience and dedication. It’s important that if a third-party caused the injury, you work to help your family member take the necessary steps to recover physically, emotionally and psychologically. Most individuals aren’t in the right frame of mind after an injury to make sound decisions about their future, so take care to help them seek the right counsel to protect their rights.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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