Flawless Beauty: 5 Ways to Make Sure Your Skin is Getting the Care it Needs

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Many of us have envied those with the tiniest pores, and we figure some women are just lucky. When it comes to developing and maintaining a healthy, radiant and youthful complexion, however, anyone can achieve that asset. Through the proper guidelines, we can all get there.

Every Face Needs Exfoliation

Glowing, smooth skin can never be ours without understanding the role exfoliation plays. Tired, dull-looking, rough skin can be aging, and these dead skin cells need to be removed often to reveal fresh skin that is stimulated to produce new collagen.

You don’t want to attack your complexion vigorously and cause irritation or even break-outs. Skin care experts from beauty magazine Allure recommend a three-times a week routine, a complexion brush to slough away dead cells and not using overly-harsh products.

Organic Beauty for Inside and Out

Prescription skin care has been a choice for some trying to repair wrinkles and seeking the fountain of youth. Unfortunately, these formulas often use chemicals that can cause harm down the road. Scientific research has found that healthy, organic botanicals deliver superb skin care maintenance and gorgeous results.

For example, sea buckthorn has an incredibly long history dating back to the ancient Greeks and Genghis Khan who used the plant for medicinal purposes. These days, the amazing oil extracted from the special berry promotes a beautiful you both inside and out.

Sticking to a Skin Care Routine

Some women admit that they don’t always wash their face at night because they’ve run out of time, are too tired or lazy. This is a bad habit that only works against us because sleep time is when the skin goes into repair mode, and the growth hormone stimulates the renewal of all of the body’s organs. If a face is full of stale, dirty cosmetics, then, it is difficult for the epidermal cell turnover to kick into gear.

Makeup clogs the pores and traps the old skin cells on the surface. A clean slate makes it easy for nighttime facial products to seep into the dermis for better absorption.

Investing in a Skin Care Expert

Checking your face and body for any signs of a problem is wise to get into the habit of doing. Skin cancer can develop at any age, and a dermatologist can pick up on these vulnerabilities and treat them immediately. If a mole doesn’t look right or has changed in color or size, a skin care professional will address the concern.

Dermatologists also offer excellent facials and advanced treatments to help diminish damage from the sun and general aging.

Your Lifestyle Mirrors Your Complexion

None of us like to be nagged about maintaining a healthy way of living, but we’re exactly what we eat, drink and do. Lengthy research has proven that smoking, alcohol and bad food habits can age our complexions tremendously. These choices feature aggressive compounds that rob our complexions of moisture, remove fluid from the skin and create pre-mature wrinkles. The skin cells become starved of vital oxygen and other key substances.

We Owe Our Faces and Bodies Much Better

Every woman or man who desires a flawless, healthy complexion learns about proper cleansing, treatment and taking control of their skin care routines. It’s not rocket science but sensible products and understanding how skin cell biology works.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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