What is Collagen? Top 8 Health Benefits

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No one likes to see the signs of aging skin and deal with the stress of getting older by the minute. This is one of the main reasons why collagen supplements are important. If you have also heard of collagen but you were never sure why is it needed, and how such supplements help your overall health then it is recommended that you read below to know what is collagen and it’s top 8 health benefits.

Understanding Collagen

In simple words, collagen is a protein that is made up of long chains of amino acids that are linked. It is among the richest sources of protein present in a person’s body. It is vital for the function of your muscles, blood vessels, skin, bones, ligaments, tendons, and even the digestive system. It offers structure and strength to all the connective tissues in your body.

Collagen and Aging

As a person ages, or crosses the mark of the early twenties, the body’s ability to produce collagen reduces. To solve this problem, many people turn to supplements like active collagen lorna vanderhaeghe that is extracted from marine sources present in Europe. If you are also considering taking help of a collagen supplement like this, then you should talk to your doctor about it. You should also read the top 8 health benefits of collagen mentioned right here.

  1. Helps with Inflammation

One of the most crucial benefits of having a collagen supplement is that it usually has glycine, which helps in reducing chronic inflammation that often leads to scores of health issues. As most people deal with chronic inflammation that might make itself known or work stealthily, it’s a worthy benefit.

  1. Boosts Elasticity of Skin

Another benefit of having ample amounts of collagen is that it replenishes the connective tissues which help in making the skin more elastic. Your skin will look and feel firm when your body has enough collagen. This firmness will reduce wrinkles and fine lines visibly.

  1. Enhances Sleep Quality

Your quality of sleep is also enhanced if you depend on supplements that have glycine. It also helps in fighting insomnia, reduces daytime sleepiness and assists in fighting fatigue as well. When you have a better quality of sleep, everything from your mental health to healing to metabolic function will be better.

  1. Makes Cellulite and Stretch Marks Less Visible

If your skin has healthy amounts of collagen, your stretch marks or cellulite will be less easily noticeable which allows you to wear anything you want, even the tummy-baring tops and blouses. In contrast, if the collagen levels are low, the stretch marks and cellulite would look worse than they are as your skin will be thinner.

  1. Calms Down Your Brain

Glycine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter which means that it can keep the brain calm when it’s consumed regularly. When the brain is calm, it will be less impacted by anxiety and stress, which are known to cause serious health issues. Hence, your mental health will improve considerably if you stick with collagen supplements.

  1. Reduces Joint Pain

Good levels of collagen in your body are known to help with reducing the risk of joint pain and deterioration. It can also regenerate the cartilage so that you can move the way you want without feeling the need of walking sticks. Though this doesn’t mean you can start doing cartwheels from day one, you will surely notice the difference in a few days.

  1. Improves Mood and Energy

If you often have to drag yourself out of bed in the mornings or you feel your mood is going downhill most of the times, then lack of collagen might be the reason behind it. So, sticking to a collagen supplement is a smart idea as it will have Glycine that will boost your energy levels and enhance your mood. When you have a better mood and energy levels, your quality of life will improve.

  1. Digestive Benefits

As collagen is a protein, when you consume it in the mornings, you won’t feel the need of having anything else and feel full. This will balance your appetite. The right levels of collagen are also linked to helping heal and seal the gut lining so that you don’t suffer from a leaky gut. When the gut lining is sealed and healed, it will boost nutrient absorption, improve digestion and help you enjoy a lighter and brighter mood.


In essence, it can be seen that keeping the collagen levels high with the help of supplements is a smart idea as it will provide many physical and mental health benefits. Just be sure to take only the prescribed amount of such supplements and not overdo it as an excess of anything might do more harm than good in the long run.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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