Tips and Guide to Planting Perennial Flowers

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Flowers are the best way in which you can decorate your home and garden. Perennial flowers need to be planted only once and taken care of all through the year so that they continue to bloom and keep the garden colourful. Investing in perennial flowers is worth the time and effort because they are extremely dependable. All these plants die during the winter season and grow back when it is summer. The huge variety of colours, shapes, and types have added a bonus for the growers. If you are interested in creating a garden of perennial flowering plants read on for a complete guide.


All perennial flowering plants do not flower for the same number of months. The delphinium and lupine have a shorter lifespan and lasts for around three to four years. However, there are others which last much longer, for instance, peonies. The lifespan, as well as the bloom time of these flowers, also vary. The growing conditions of all these plants also vary because some plants require a well-drained soil while others require a shady environment. The foliage of some of the other ones has to be trimmed so that they live longer.

Selecting plants for your perennial garden

Choosing the plants that will make your garden beautiful is a deliberate choice but it also depends on certain factors such as the garden, its shape, amount of light, and shade received etc.

  • The garden: Perennial plants live longer than others and continue to bloom if they are placed in a suitable location. The quality of the soil present in the garden is extremely important because all plants do not grow in the same kind of soil. You will have to check if the soil is droughty or moist and whether it has enough pH content. The slope of the garden is very important because water stagnation is not a desirable factor. It will only help the roots of the plants to rot and die. Try speaking to fellow gardeners or even consulting books on the subject.
  • The hardiness of the area: All plants do not grow in all places. You will need to have a thorough knowledge of the growing zone. You will need to know how much of the location you are in is affected by wind, exposure, altitude, snow cover, and soil because all of these factors can have an important effect on the growth of the plant. You will also need to see if the soil is well-drained because extremely wet and heavy soils can damage the roots of the plant.
  • Colour: Before planting full sun perennials keep in mind the colour contrast in order to have a balanced integration. Too much of the same colour can be quite boring. On the other hand, too bright colours can also be a pain to the eye. The garden has to be organised with one basic colour and contrast colours, cool colours, pastels, and even hot colours. Try experimenting with different colours in different parts of the garden. Keep in mind that the perennial plants bloom for a few weeks but most of the year you will be looking at the foliage texture and green will be the primary colour of your garden.
  • Bloom time: While organising and designing the perennial plants in your garden keep in mind that there are some plants which will bloom for a couple of weeks only in the year while others will continue for three months or more. Try to keep at least three varieties that bloom together approximately in spring so that you can enjoy the view of the colourful garden. The season and colour schemes are very important for organising your garden.
  • Vigorous plants: Some of the perennial plants will be bigger than the others so make sure that you do not plant too much of them or they take up the entire garden. The growth conditions in the garden are also responsible for the growth of any plant. If the conditions are too good then even normally restrained plant can become unrestrained and vice versa.
  • Potted or field-grown: While planting perennial plants, it is best to get the bigger and matured plants for field growth. But in case of potted plants, the plant suffers a shock when it is replanted in the soil. This can hamper the flowering for some time.
  • Arranging the plants: The arrangement of the plants is very important for making the garden look beautiful. This should be arranged depending on the height, width colour scheme, as well as the spacing between two plants. The spacing is extremely important to give the full sun perennials proper growing space.

Take away: Perennial plants are a joy for the grower and the viewer. Regular fertilising and watering and trimming them from time to time can keep the garden in full bloom.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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