Tackling the Algorithms: What Search Engines Are Looking for on Your Site

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SEO or search engine optimization is something anyone with a website needs to know about. It is what helps search engines find your website and ranks it among the millions of other websites. Even though search engines like Google continually update their algorithms, there are still certain factors they will always look for when ranking a website.

Quality of the Content

You might have heard the phrase, content is king, and that is true. The content that is presented on your website has to be quality content. This means no spelling errors, grammatically correct, and easily understood by all readers.

The best way to write quality content is to write for your readers. Do not write for the search engines. Write as if you are sitting across the table talking with a friend. Use understandable words, not words that a reader has to constantly refer to a dictionary to understand.


Keywords are important. They can be one word or a phrase of several words. Use your keywords in the title, meta descriptions, and in the first 100 words of an article. Do not stuff your content with the keywords, but sprinkle them throughout your content in a natural-sounding way.

Using keywords effectively is one of the most important, and sometimes most difficult, things to get right when it comes to SEO. If SEO isn’t your specialization, it’s likely that you’re not sure which keywords to target. In these cases, partnership marketing may be an option. They can help you figure out what you need to be spotlighting on your website and what won’t be helpful.

Is It Relevant

An article must be relevant to the title. If you are writing about SEO for example, don’t go into the history of the internet. You must keep your content focused on the subject of your title.

Search engines are looking for relevancy. They are looking for content that answers a question that users might have. Your content has to be relevant to the query. Search engines are always looking for the most relevant and helpful answers.


A number of factors go into your website’s performance. Speed is one factor, and it’s important enough that it is something algorithms look for. A slow loading website can cause users to leave your site, which can cause a high bounce rate.

Is it mobile friendly? More users are viewing your content on mobile devices than desktops. If you’re involved in a marketing campaign for one company or partnership marketing for two or more companies, being mobile-friendly matters.

User Experience

Search engine algorithms have the ability to know if your website provides a good user experience. You do not want pop-ups and ads to interfere with your user’s ability to read the content. Several things go into readability including color combinations, fonts, navigations, design, and the quality of the content.

Building your site’s SEO is a complex and often time consuming task. However, in today’s digital world, being easily searchable is vital to a business’s success. To increase the likelihood of Google and other search engines displaying your site in the tops results, tailor your website’s content. Include relevant keywords that inform readers and search engines of your services, and make sure that your site is accessible and easy-to-use. As you work on your business’s website, keep these tips in mind to build solid SEO.

Kara Masterson

Kara is a freelance writer from West Jordan who graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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