How To Integrate Antiques Into A Nursery

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Find out how to include beautiful antiques into your nursery decor without ageing the aesthetic of a baby’s room.


Having a baby is a true cause for celebration. What can be more exciting than a new life coming into the world?


For that reason, many of us naturally want to make the perfect space dedicated to our new baby. Of course, before long the entire home will be full of their things, but their nursery is the special area used for feeding, changing, providing them somewhere to rest and play. You’ll want your baby to have the perfect space for their very first memories to start to form.


Antiques aren’t perhaps the natural first choice for a baby’s nursery but they can actually be the perfect choice. The materials and craft involved in making these older items mean that antiques can add a timeless elegance to a very practical room. The items are also durable and hardwearing, ideal when you need to rely on the nursery furniture to stay in good condition; but can also an a touch of uniqueness to this special room so it doesn’t just look like it has all come straight from the John Lewis nursery department.


To help you find inspiration for this important room in the form of antiques, here are our top tips to get you started:


A Comfortable Feeding Chair Is A Must

For those early hours in the morning when it is just you and baby having a cuddle, a comfortable feeding chair is so important. An antique chair could be the perfect way to add a gorgeous piece to the room, that also gives you an amazing landing spot for tired snuggles.


Delicate Accessories Are Perfect

Delicate vintage accessories like doilies or lace can be gorgeous additions to a nursery. They are so fragile and intricate, they work really well in a nursery, reflecting the small and precious focal point – your baby.


Patchwork Is Perfect

An antique piece of patchwork like a quilt, throw or even wallpaper artwork can be quirky and whimsical enough to work really well in a nursery, especially for those of use who treasure a unique and individual look.  It can be a really good project for you to do yourself during pregnancy – if you want a project, that is.


Reliable Storage

Lots of antiques can be bulky and far too space-consuming for a nursery. However, pick out the right-sized piece and it will offer you sturdiness, strength and reliability when you need those furniture attributes the most. Try and choose lighter wood pieces for a neutral tone most likely to suit any decor style, as darker woods can be a bit rich for this kind of aesthetic.


Antiques Books

Antiques children’s books, or even images from antiques children’s books, can look absolutely stunning in a nursery setting. They’re very easy to find, very cheap and they can add a really cute look to a nursery. Even better, why not include antiques books and images from books you loved as a child, to share that piece of your history with your baby.

Do You Need To Clear Space For Your Nursery?

If you love our ideas but you know you don’t have any room for any furniture or even the baby in the space you intend to use, maybe personal self storage is a great idea.


You can temporarily place your spare room belongings in a safe space, enabling you to cultivate the perfect environment for a growing baby. That cheap self storage space can then be emptied in your own time, or used to store baby items you want to keep for the next child.

Julie Lord

I have a Masters degree in PPE (UK) and now research and write as a freelancer on a variety of subjects such as personal finance, home improvements and work-life balance.

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