How To Make The Best Of A Moving Delay

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If your moving day has been delayed these tips can help you to make the best of the extra time.

Sometimes things don’t go to plan. This is especially true with moving house, which seems to come with a myriad of uncertainty. Unexpected issues can make the process even more stressful than it already is, if that’s even possible.

Although a moving day delay isn’t the ideal scenario, there are lots of things we can do to make the most of this additional time. Here’s how:

Better Planning

Have you rushed the decor plans for your new property? Have you not spent as long as you would like picking out plans for the new garden? Or a new set of fence panels for the house? Now is the time to do something about that.

You have the luxury of time, which means that you can really go to town on your new plans. You can select the perfect pastels paints, you can create the mood board that you thought you never have time to make. You’ve got loads more time to plan and get things perfect which is actually kind of great.

Saving Money

If you had planned to sort out your utilities and other bills when you move to your new property that is something you can set up now.

The fact you have more time means that you can really shop around for the best deals, rather than rushing getting set up at short notice.

You don’t need to rush now, so you can definitely get the best deal.

Multiple Trips

If you are using a middle ‘safe space’ such as your self storage in London, or local to you, then perhaps you can start making multiple trips there now. There is no need to do everything in a day now, so maybe you can transfer items into your self storage unit in London over multiple trips. Maybe this means you don’t have to hire a van on moving day. Or perhaps it allows you to clear your property sooner, giving you more time to get the cleaning done.

Decluttering In Your Current Property

If you have already packed it would be very annoying to unpack and pack again and then unpack at the other end.

However, it could be worth revisiting your packing. Did you pack items you may not want to keep because you’re in a rush? If you did then unpacking a few boxes to declutter is worth your time.

It means that you can minimise the amount of items you are taking to your new property and you can start making money in the meantime. What can you sell? Which items could you take to the charity shop? By doing the decluttering this end you will allow yourself more time at your new property without any excess belongings.

Researching The New Area

Now that you have more time you can perhaps explore the new area that you are moving to. You could do this on foot or you could simply do more research online to see what will be local to you. This is a really great thing to do if you have pets or children as it enables you to find out which facilities are nearby so that you don’t have to do any rushed research when the time comes.

The tips above should help you gain some inspiration as to what to do with this time that you have before moving house. It isn’t ideal that moving day isn’t happening when you expected, however it could be a bit of a Silver Lining if you utilise the time properly.

Staying busy also helps to alleviate the itchy feet that inevitably come with a delay in such an important event.

Follow our tips above and soon enough you’ll be moving house and settling into your new property, hopefully with less clutter and a bit more money in the bank too.

Julie Lord

I have a Masters degree in PPE (UK) and now research and write as a freelancer on a variety of subjects such as personal finance, home improvements and work-life balance.

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