Dental Implants- a Long-term Solution to Missing Teeth

Feeling bad about a tooth or teeth you have lost? Missing teeth is indeed a significant handicap. If it is one of the molars or the pre-molars, you cannot eat properly, and it also affects your health. If you are missing one or more of the front teeth, it is just unacceptable in modern society. Your smile is destroyed. You just don’t want to show your teeth. So, what is the solution? Get your missing teeth replacement immediately.

Before moving ahead, we should learn why it is essential to replace your missing teeth immediately.

What Happens If You Don’t Get your Teeth Replaced?

  • Decreased Self-Esteem – Perhaps, the biggest problem associated with missing teeth is the adverse effect on your smile and personality. People often lose self-esteem when they lose teeth, and they avoid speaking or smiling in front of people. This can affect their social, love and work life.
  • Difficulty in Pronouncing Words – even in you lose a single tooth; it can affect your ability to speak. This is because each tooth plays a role in pronouncing words. So, loss of teeth can also result in a significant reduction in the effectiveness and impact of your speech.
  • Damage to Other Teeth – when a tooth is lost, the neighboring teeth start moving inside this gap. As a result, spaces begin to appear between the teeth which not only creates esthetic concerns but also reduces chewing and speech efficiency. Not only this, but the opposing tooth also starts to creep into the gap. As a result, the tooth becomes loose and may become ultimately lost.
  • Effect on Health – when a tooth is lost, it can have a direct influence on your dental and physical health. This is because the loss of even a single tooth can significantly affect your ability to chew and digest food. Hence, tooth loss can lead to malnutrition and poor overall health.

So, what is the Best Tooth Replacement Option?

No doubt, dental implants have become the most preferred tooth replacement option throughout the world. Before we discuss why dental implants are the best option, it is best we talk about the popular choices for replacing missing teeth.

Problems Associated with Conventional Tooth Replacement Options

The phenomenon of losing teeth has always existed, whether due to old age, disease, war, accident or sport. Experts have developed different solutions for replacing teeth, starting from seashells in the ancient times to acrylic complete dentures of the recent past. Unfortunately, none of the contraptions of this type is a tooth or teeth in the real sense. None have roots. They all sit on the gums. Dentures hold onto the gum by suction and bridges take support from neighboring teeth, often jeopardizing them also. As a result, these solutions have many limitations.

  • Most tooth replacement options have a limited Life
  • For replacing missing teeth with bridges, the neighboring teeth have to be trimmed of enamel for fitting weakening them and increasing the possibility of sensitivity.
  • Dentures can slip and come off with jaw movement.
  • Both dentures and bridges create difficulties during oral hygiene maintenance as food can adhere to them.

Dental Implant- The Modern Solution

Currently, the most durable and efficient option for replacing missing natural teeth is dental implants. The dental implant is primarily an artificial metallic root which is screwed into your jaw bone in a precisely drilled hole. Dental implants are made from titanium alloys which promote the surrounding bone cells merge to form an intimate contact with the implant surface. As a result, the implants remain firmly embedded within the bone, and they provide a durable and robust foundation for artificial teeth that are attached to them.

Advantages of the Dental Implant

As mentioned earlier, the implant is a root that is well integrated with the jawbone. As a consequence, it has multiple advantages over other tooth replacement options.

  • Long Life – dental implants, if looked after properly, can last for a lifetime.
  • Natural – artificial teeth that are supported by dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth.
  • Alignment of your teeth: Aligning your teeth will present you with a beautiful smile you can feel proud to show off to those around you.
  • Cosmetic Superiority – esthetically pleasant and naturally beautiful artificial teeth can be attached to the implants, which perfectly blend with the neighboring teeth and restore facial esthetics and smile.
  • No Special care– No particular dental hygiene routine needs other than that for natural teeth. You need to brush and floss like you usually do.
  • Eat all you Like– In contrast with other replacement options, the implants pose a little restriction on what you eat. You can enjoy all your favorite foods, just like you used to do with your natural teeth.

If you are looking for a reliable, long-lasting, and aesthetically pleasant option for replacing your natural teeth, then dental implants fulfill all these requirements. Visit your dentist today and get one step closer to enjoying a healthy and beautiful smile with dental implants San Diego.

Jane Savvides

Jane Savvides a successful entrepreneur and startup. She uses her writing skill to guide students, employees & businesses owner to increase loyalty & magnify brand awareness.

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