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Semont Maneuver VS. Epley Exercises Procedure

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If you’ve been experiencing BPPV Vertigo for any length of time, chances are you have already heard of the Semont Maneuver & Epley Maneuver. These are both BPPV Vertigo exercises recommended for Vertigo treatment. BPPV Vertigo is characterized by a sudden feeling of the surroundings moving or spinning, disorientation, nausea, & dizziness. Symptoms of BPPV Vertigo can also resemble those of motion sickness & early signs of pregnancy.

Hence, it is essential to properly diagnose BPPV Vertigo so that effective Vertigo treatment can begin as early as possible. BPPV Vertigo treatment often depends on the exact cause behind the Vertigo symptoms. Doctors prefer treating the cause of the symptoms so that the condition resolves on its own once the inherent cause is taken care of.

BPPV Vertigo Causes:

BPPV Vertigo is caused by tiny calcium particles inside the middle ear, called the canaliths, getting deposited in the inner ear. These calcium crystals are sensitive to any motion stimulus in the body, & thus they create motion disturbances when they get deposited in the semicircular canal. When this happens, they cause Vertigo symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, & feelings of disorientation. These calcium crystals, called canaliths, are part of the body’s vestibular system to maintain balance. When they get dislodged from their original position & get deposited in the semicircular canal, they get activated at every motion stimulus, thus sending the wrong signals to the brain.
This mismatch between the signals from the canaliths & the actual position of the body in space causes the various symptoms of BPPV.

In some cases, any kind of head trauma, injuries, osteoporosis, diabetes, & any inner ear infection/condition can also cause BPPV Vertigo.

BPPV Symptoms:

The symptoms of BPPV include:

  • Vertigo
  • Vomiting
  • Blurred Vision
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheartedness
  • Loss of balance or disorientation
  • Unsteadiness

These symptoms can come & go. They last anywhere between a few minutes to a few days.

A lot of activities can trigger BPPV Vertigo symptoms. However, a majority of attacks happen when patients move their head, as any change in the position of the head stimulates the calcium crystals. BPPV Vertigo symptoms are also sometimes accompanied by abnormal eye movements, also called nystagmus. Some patients can also experience BPPV in both ears, although it is extremely rare.

BPPV Test For Diagnosis:

Doctors will usually diagnose BPPV using a test called the Dix-Hallpike maneuver. The BPPV test involves your doctor moving your head in certain positions while asking you to lie down quickly with your back on a table. With each head movement, they’ll ask if you’re experiencing any spinning sensations or dizziness & will also check for abnormal eye movements, i.e., nystagmus. In addition to the Dix-Hallpike test, your doctor will also recommend certain tests to check for any other neurological disorders.

BPPV Vertigo Treatment:

BPPV Vertigo treatment involves a variety of therapies & Vertigo exercises.
These include:

Epley Maneuver:

The Epley Maneuver is a well-known Vertigo exercise that is used for BPPV Vertigo treatment. It involves moving the head in certain ways so as to facilitate the movement of calcium crystals back to their original position. The Epley exercises can be performed at home without a doctor’s guidance & is relatively easy to do. To perform the Epley Maneuver for BPPV Vertigo at home, follow the steps below:

  • Begin by sitting upright on a flat surface, & place a pillow behind yourself & outstretch your legs.
  • Turn your head 45 degrees to the right.
  • While your head is still tilted, quickly lie back with your head on the pillow. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds.
  • Next, turn your head to the left a full 90 degrees without lifting your neck.
  • Engaging your whole body, turn to the left such that you are completely on your left.
  • Next, slowly return to your original position while looking forward and sitting straight up.

If you’re unable to perform the Epley exercises independently, you can get someone to help you hold your head during the Vertigo exercises. Perform the Epley maneuver for BPPV Vertigo can be repeated three times in a row, at least 5 times a week, for certain relief from your symptoms.

The success rate of the Epley exercises is about 93.4%, & as such, it is the most recommended Vertigo exercises for BPPV Vertigo treatment.

Semont Maneuver:

The Semont maneuver for Vertigo, also known as the Seomont-Toupet maneuver, is a set of Vertigo exercises similar to the Epley maneuver for Vertigo. You can perform it at home for effective BPPV Vertigo treatment. Although it is relatively less known than the Epley exercises, doctors claim that the Semont maneuver for Vertigo is just as effective in BPPV Vertigo treatment. Although the movements are somewhat similar to the Epley exercises, the semont maneuver requires lesser neck flexibility.

To perform the Semont maneuver for BPPV Vertigo, follow the below steps:

  • Begin by sitting upright on a flat surface, placing a pillow behind you with your legs outstretched.
  • Next, lie down & turning to your right side, look towards your left side, keeping your head in the upward direction.
  • Quickly sit up & turn to the left side while keeping your head to the left. Your face should now be positioned towards the ground.
  • Slowly return to your original position, looking forward & sitting straight up.

The success rate for the semont maneuver for BPPV Vertigo is pegged at 90.3% by doctors. It should be performed three times in a row, at least five times a week, for best results. As such, it is clear that the semont maneuver for BPPV Vertigo is just as effective as the Epley exercises & is equally advantageous for BPPV Vertigo patients. With effective, timely diagnosis through proper BPPV tests, it is possible to treat BPPV Vertigo fully using the above-mentioned Vertigo exercises & maneuvers.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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