Designing Custom Candy Displays Boxes – Complete Guide

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If you own or operate a custom candy store then you know how important it is to have custom candy display boxes in your store. These display cases display your product while also serving a purpose that adds a touch of class to your store. When choosing the best custom candy display boxes for your business, you need to consider many different things. You need to decide on the function of the box, its appearance, and the materials used. Once you have all three of these choices in mind, you are going to have a better understanding of the types of custom candy display boxes that you can choose from.

Function vs. Appearance First off, when considering custom candy display boxes you need to think about what purpose they will serve. Are you going to use the box to display your product year round? Or will you only use it during certain months of the year. What type of design are you interested in? Perhaps you are looking for something that offers a little more protection to your products than other designs offer.

How does the Box Look?

Do you like the glossy finish that most custom candy display boxes have? This type of gloss looks nice and can make a huge difference in how the consumer sees your product. Some people will only see the bright, clean design, but others will be drawn to the matte finish that offers a little bit more elegance to the candy.

How does the Box Stack?

Does it look like the right height for the product? You want to be able to see the contents of the box clearly without having to strain your eyes. You don’t want something that is too tall or too short for the product that it houses. Packaging is very important because you want to make sure that the items inside the box can be seen by anyone.

Will you be using your custom candy display boxes on the aisles where customers are likely to pass by? This part of the display may seem like a dead end job, but it is actually one of the most important parts of designing your custom candy display boxes. There are certain angles that you want to create when displaying products on the aisles so that people can be drawn in and focused on your products. Knowing what is working and what isn’t will save you time and money.

What is the Purpose of your Custom Candy Display Boxes?

Are they going to be placed on a shelf in the store? Or will they be placed in different locations throughout the store so that clients can reach them easier? What is the best location for you to place your custom candy display boxes so that they are out of the way but still easily accessible for your clients?


Once you’ve answered these questions, then you’re ready to start designing your custom candy display boxes. What you want to do at this point is to draw out your boxes on graph paper so that you know exactly what your final product should look like. You want to include every aspect of your custom candy display boxes, including the sizes, colors, and even the textures. Once you have your drawing completed, it’s time to get to work – but not too much work! Draw everything one more time, go over it with a fine-tooth comb, and then start cutting.

Custom Candy Display Boxes Cutting

Cutting your custom candy display boxes is simple once you have drawn it out, but it’s important that you only cut what is absolutely necessary. If there are pieces that are peaking out of the sides or even the top, then you are losing space, which may cause your items to appear cluttered. In addition, if you happen to get in over your head with cutting and are unable to finish all of the way, don’t worry – there are plenty of professionals out there who can do the job for you. After all, it’s better to put in a little extra time than to have to start all over again and purchase yet another custom candy display box.

Also read: Uses of Custom Fast Food Packaging Boxes

Sam Wilson

Sam Wilson did master’s in English literature and is now perusing M. Phil in the same field with a desire to be the best writer and share his thoughts with the World.

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