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Building Maintenance

All Important Factors You Need To Know About Building Maintenance

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Over a period of time the physical condition of your residential or commercial building may deteriorate and cause problems for the people staying in or using the premises. Leakages, cracks on the walls, and plumbing issues may start showing up, leading to discomfort. Many building experts suggest conduction timely and periodic building maintenance by well-trained and experienced professionals to prevent such issues.

Apart from physical maintenance of the building, experts also suggest other forms of maintenance to enhance the living conditions in the building and increase its market value to get a better lease or resale value.

Building maintenance can be briefly classified into 4 different type’s i.e.

  1. Regular: Regular building maintenance is usually undertaken to keep the building in spic and span condition. It involves cleaning the entire building and ensuring all the electrical and light fixtures are working as expected. This is usually conducted daily, with more intensive and detailed maintenance being conducted on a weekly or monthly basis.
  2. Preventive: This refers to the building maintenance undertaken to prevent any electrical, lighting, plumbing, and other necessary systems from breaking down. It requires checking all the systems periodically, usually every 3 months, with repairs being conducted and replaced parts as required.
    This helps increase the lifespan of all mechanical and electrical systems and prevent unexpected breakdowns, which could cause inconvenience and be expensive to repair.
  3. Corrective: If any of the building’s systems stop working unexpectedly, they need to be examined and appropriate corrective measures are taken to get them up and to run again. Corrective building maintenance can be avoided by ensuring that proper and thorough preventive maintenance is carried out on all the existing systems of the building.
  4. Cosmetic: This form of building maintenance is usually carried out to give the building structure a uplift and make it more presentable looking to increase its value in the market. Well maintained and better-looking premises often earn better rentals and have higher financial values in case of a resale.
Building Maintenance

Importance Of Regular Building Maintenance

While general wear and tear are expected over a buildings life span, the damages to the structure can be minimized and controlled to a certain extent by carrying out regular and periodic maintenance. Frequent checkup of all electrical, plumbing, lighting systems is important and highly advised.

Apart from ensuring the safety of the building and people using it, regular building maintenance helps cut down and prevents major expenses in case of a breakdown. Building owners can also get tax rebates and face lower insurance premiums if their building is in a well-maintained condition. Owners can also benefit by attracting more premium clientele for their building, increasing its reputation and standing in the market.

How To Manage Your Building Maintenance?

Planning in detail and planning ahead are two important factors when it comes to managing your building maintenance. While preparing your buildings annual maintenance budget, it would be a good idea to set aside funds for emergencies and a separate fund for major expenses expected in the near future, such as changing the air conditioning, electrical wiring, plumbing lines, etc.

Final Words

Keeping a detailed inventory of all the electrical and mechanical systems can ensure you their working functionality all year round without any problems. It would also be a good idea to tie up with a professional building maintenance agency to maintain all systems per pre-decided schedules and guidelines.

Emma Smith

I am Emma Smith, an experienced and professional blogger. Here you can see my skills which give you small ideas on understanding all the thoughts with different themes.