The Importance Of Choosing Gate Colours And How They Can Influence How We Feel

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Colours play a huge part in how people react to something, how they feel and how they think. It’s actually a really fascinating subject that has received ongoing research by psychologists for as long as can be remembered. Your choice of colour could very well attract, or deter a person and has the ability to create a positive or negative state of mind for either yourself or anyone else that sees it.

As your gate is among the first things guests and passers-by would first see, you should consider carefully the colour you would paint it with.

General Rule Of Thumb

Although everybody will see things slightly differently, there are some generalisations that can be made based on prior research. Colours can be grouped into what they mean to most people, for example:

  •        Black: Elegance and Mystery
  •        Red: Love and Passion
  •        Blue: Calm and Responsible
  •        White: Virtue, Purity and Cleanliness
  •        Cream or Ivory: Purity, Elegance and Calm
  •        Yellow: Happiness and Hope
  •        Orange: Vitality, Happiness and Energy
  •        Green: Nature, New Beginnings and Abundance
  •        Purple: Royalty, Creativity and Wealth
  •        Gray:  Formal and Conservative
  •        Brown: Nature, Dependability and Wholesomeness
  •        Tan or Beige: Piety and Conservative

As you can see there are quite a number of different ‘conceptions’ behind what different colours mean to people. Let’s take a step back a moment and go back to the colours we would want to use for our gates. For example, if you’re considering getting electric gates for small driveways, what colour would you choose and why? The likelihood is that most people will go with something that represents nature, calmness or cleanliness.

Although colours like red, orange, and yellow can promote positive feelings, they can also promote a feeling of negativity and probably wouldn’t look right. Oddly enough too, you probably wouldn’t choose purple either, although it promotes what most people would consider good perceptions, it would just look a bit odd.

You See What You See

Clearly, everybody is different and the way they perceive a colour compared to another person will differ, a perfect example is the image of a dress that was floating around the Internet for a while, sparking some huge debates because people saw different colours when looking at the picture. Most people saw white and gold, whereas others swore that the dress was blue and black! The dress was actually blue and black, but because of the way that the shadows appeared, people saw different colours; it’s all very scientific, but essentially, all about the way light affects what we see.

It’s Personal Now

If you are in the process of or considering some home or office improvement, gates included, then it’s important to consider how the different colours make you feel and how you want to feel when you are in that particular room or area. Bathrooms and bedrooms tend to attract colours that make a person feel relaxed and at ease, whereas somewhere like the kitchen or your office lends itself to a colour that promotes productivity and inspiration.

The great thing is that what you choose is entirely up to you and being able to choose colours, these days, is easier than ever before. Most companies will be happy to mix colours together in order to get the shade that you desire, all sorts of additives can be added to in order to make the finished look as contemporary or as lavish as one chooses.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.