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21 Simple Tips To Lose Weight

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No One Claims That It Is An Easy Match To Lose Weight

It can be something that requires a lot of time and commitment. But if you want, you too can also get in shape and remember – the secret does not lie in starting to lose weight or be fooled by all the ads about preparations that promise so much, but in fact are, if not directly harmful, completely ineffective.

There are no shortcuts to better health, more energy, and greater well-being than tackling the problem properly.

You can start by picking ten tips that suit you best and that you can start with right now as a complement to your everyday life.

1. Drink plenty of water

The body needs a lot of water, so drink properly every day. Despite the fact that 66% of the human body consists of water, we still have to constantly supply the body with more water. Water is not only useful just because it flushes the body clean of various toxins. It also helps to curb hunger and gives you a feeling of actually feeling better and feeling healthier.

2. Stop drinking soda and other carbonated beverages

They are all crammed with sugar and sugar means unwanted calories. This also includes all energy drinks that are not very healthy at all.

3. Eat fresh fruit instead of drinking juices

The juices we buy usually contain sugar. Fresh fruit contains only natural sugar, healthy fiber, and vitamins. If you want to drink juice, buy home fruit and squeeze the juice yourself.

4. Increase fiber intake

This means that you should eat more fruits and vegetables. Can you add something green every time you eat?

5. Eat more intelligently

Hunger is a feeling that can deceive the brain. Do you eat because you are really hungry or just because you are bored and have nothing else to do? Ask yourself if your body really needs what you intend to put in you the next time you open the refrigerator or pantry.

6. Reduce candy consumption

Sweets mean sugar and more useless calories. They will be visible to you, sooner or later, so reduce the sweets.

7. Eat at set times

Snacking between meals is the big culprit for anyone who fails to lose weight or maintain their ideal weight. Make that meal schedule (plus or minus half an hour does not matter) and try to stick to eating (healthy) at those times. Stop snacking because you are bored or “slightly hungry”. Take a fruit or drink a glass of water instead.

8. Eat only when you are hungry

And that’s exactly what it is – eat only when you are really hungry and in need of nutrition. Most of us think “I could eat” when we see something that looks good. But it is the curse of modern man – abundance and access to almost everything. If it is not at home, there is always a place that is open where we can eat or buy something to eat.

9. Reduce the sugar when you have coffee

Tea and coffee in themselves are not useless – it is those pieces of sugar, milk, and cream that we put in that contribute unnecessary calories. Black coffee and black tea are useful, try it.

10. Keep track of calories

It is much easier to eat low-calorie and healthy if you keep track of what you eat. It is quite easy to count calories. Read on the packaging what it is that you consume. Make sure you do not get more calories than necessary.

11. Skip fried foods

Yes, and that applies to all fried foods. It goes without saying that we gain weight if we eat things that are fried in frying oil or fat, right?

12. Do not stop eating

Even if you go on a diet or start looking a little extra at what you consume, it is not a good idea to stop eating altogether and think that you will lose weight for that matter. That’s not how it works at all. On the contrary, it has the exact opposite effect. Make sure you (always) eat at least four meals of (healthy) food every day. In fact, it is even better if you can spread your nutritional intake and instead eat 5-6 smaller meals a day.

13. Skip or reduce alcohol

Beer itself is full of fats. Liquor may not be as calorie-packed, but you know how hungry you get when you drink a little too much, right?

14. Eat breakfast at the right time

Try to have breakfast no later than one hour after you wake up. Then you get in you the amount of energy that the body needs. If you wait too long with breakfast, you will have time to get much hungrier and then stuff yourself with far too much food. You get tired and drowsy again instead of alert and energized.

15. Invest in carbs

It is a myth that you should avoid carbohydrates when trying to lose weight. In fact, the opposite is true – carbohydrates are an important source of energy, so your diet should instead consist of 50-55% of carbohydrates.

16. And on proteins

The body needs proteins, so your diet should consist of 25-30% of proteins.

17. But do not skip the fat completely!

The body needs fats too, do not forget that. But only 15-20% of your diet should consist of fat. Each gram of fat contains 9 calories. If you look at what you eat and see how many calories it contains, you can easily calculate the fat content. It should not exceed 30% of the food you put in you.

18. Have you considered switching to a vegetarian diet?

If not full-time, then why not try a vegetarian day a week or maybe a weekend?

19. Opt for white meat

That means fish and chicken. Avoid red meat (beef and pork).

20. Reduce your salt intake

People talk almost exclusively about the danger of sugar in our food, but salt is at least as dangerous. Salt leads to obesity, so be sure to cut down as much as you can on the salt. Can you reduce your salt intake by half compared to how much salt you used last year? Attempt.

21. Do sports

Doing some kind of sport is a great way to exercise more. A lot of people dislike only exercising such as going to the gym or running, but if you do a sport such as padel or tennis, you have fun and almost forget that you are exercising at the same time.

Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.