Tips To Prep Up Your Air Conditioning Before the Summer Approaches

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With the temperature set to increase in the summer, it is wise to get your air conditioning unit ready for massive usage. Maintaining your air conditioning unit in a proper condition would ensure that you and family feel comfortable indoors and help in protecting yourself from the heat outside.

Here are some effective tips that you should preferably keep in mind for preparing your air conditioning for the upcoming hot summer.

Cleaning The Air Conditioner’s Indoor Unit

The central air conditioning unit’s cleaning includes the servicing of the indoor as well as the outdoor unit. To get the indoor unit completely ready for summer, you should necessarily make it a point to change the air filters. These air filters over time get covered with dust and debris. All these reduce the functioning of the air conditioning. You necessarily need to clean the air filters for improving its indoor quality of air and efficiency.

You can also consider the up gradation of the air conditioning’s thermostat to a programmable one before the summer arrives. An appropriate functioning thermostat would allow the program settings to reduce the use of air conditioning when you are not at home.

Several other cleaning tasks for the indoor unit would include checking the air conditioning unit’s ductwork for any kind of leakages & cleaning all the lines of condensation.

Cleaning The Air Conditioning Unit’s Outdoor Unit

When you are prepping up your air conditioning unit for this summer, you would require to clean the outdoor unit as well. The cleaning of the air conditioner would help the unit to work functionally throughout the entire summer season. You also should clean the air conditioning unit’s coils as they must be covered with dust, mud & other types of debris. In case the coils are dirty, you can use your garden hose to spray this down.

Cleaning the air conditioner’s outer unit should also involve wiping down the fins with the help of a toothbrush. This also helps in removing the accumulated debris from the fins. The other tasks that you should take up for preparing your air conditioning unit also includes ensuring the concrete slab on which the outdoor unit sits is stable. You can also take help of a level to even out if it is required.

You should also get rid of the branches, weeds, debris, and twigs that lies around the outdoor unit. This debris can blow the airflow through the outdoor unit of the air conditioner,

Scheduling An Annual Maintenance

Opting for annual maintenance of your air conditioning unit would help in ensuring that the unit runs with the best efficiency all through the year. When you book an appointment with a technician for the annual maintenance, the technician would check all the components of the air conditioning unit for ensuring that it is in great running condition.

The experienced technicians thoroughly inspect all the parts of the air conditioning system that you might yourself not able to clean. If your air conditioning unit is having any problem, then the technician will be able to locate it and get it rectified before it turns into something major. This also fairly helps in lowering the risks of having an air conditioner failing to work during the scorching summer and create a difficult problem for you in the middle of the season.


Following the above-discussed cleaning tips for your air conditioning unit is indeed a great way of keeping your power bills low and still enjoy a cool environment inside your house during the hot summers.

Emma Smith

I am Emma Smith, an experienced and professional blogger. Here you can see my skills which give you small ideas on understanding all the thoughts with different themes.