From Renovation to a Sale: How to Raise the Value of Your Home

image 5 (1)If you are planning move to a different home or another town, there are a lot of things to think of, do and consider before making this huge step in your life – finding a new job for you and a school for your children, figuring out how you will keep in touch with your friends and family, purchasing new furniture, etc. Among those is the issue of what to do with your current home because you cannot live at two places at the same time and should plan how to sell it. In order to do this, many people make some adjustments, redecorate and renovate a bit and hope to increase their real estate’s value this way. So, if you are planning to sell your home, here are some ideas on how you can make it more valuable in a short amount of time and on a decent budget.

Upgrading, Room by Room

The first thing you should do is rather basic and goes without saying – fix small problems all around the house. Whether it’s a leaky tap, squeaky floors or old fixtures and faulty installations, you should make a list of all the issues and solve them one by one. This can include purchasing some new things, like bath mats, shower curtains or sofa covers and basically all those inexpensive items that can make your home look a bit more homely and welcoming.

At the end, you should definitely go through your house and clean everything carefully and completely, because coffee stains and empty ketchup bottles in the fridge never look good to a perspective buyer. And, to top it all off, you can paint your walls.

Storage – Solved!

A very important issue that can raise the value of your home is a solved storage problem. When buying a new house, people pay attention to the organization of cabinets and closets as well as the position of rooms, so, if your storage situation is taken care of, your job with the selling will be much easier.

What you can do to achieve this is install a large walk-in closet and some cabinets and boxes for smaller stuff that is not used very often. Making a neat classification will make your house more appealing, organized and, in all, better.Measuring Windows

Bigger Renovations

After you have finished with small fixes, you can focus on more elaborate renovations that will really transform your home from good to great. While there is always an option to do it yourself, when it comes to tearing down old walls and putting up some new ones, it sure is better to contact experts like Sydney extensions who will help you achieve perfection.

The best rooms to perform more elaborate renovation are the kitchen and the bathroom as usually the smallest ones in a home. You can renovate them at a moderate budget and achieve a lot. Replace old cupboards and fixtures with new ones, put in a shower instead of a bathtub and purchase new kitchen appliances and cutlery. All this do not have to cost much, but will bring in a considerable amount of good.

Illusions, Illusions

Bigger homes bring in more money when sold, so if you cannot make your home bigger, you can at least make it look bigger with a few simple tricks. These will actually make your living space not only visually larger and add some square feet to it, but also transform it into a cleaner and better organized space. What you should focus on is the process in every single room individually – if each of them starts looking more spacious, the home as a whole will reach the same effect.

Obviously, the easiest trick is to obtain more natural light that comes in through the windows and makes everything brighter and larger. You can achieve this by replacing heavy curtains and draperies with some lighter ones, or even vertical blinds. After that, you can install a mirror or two that will give the illusion of depth and dimension to your rooms, but definitely the best way to go is decluttering. If you have less pieces of high-quality furniture and no mess, your home will look stylish, clearer and clean.

The Result

Finally, all of these small steps do not sound effective at first, but if you apply some of them, or even some others ones, your home will be in a better shape and more presentable to potential buyers.

Diana Smith

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to health and alternative medicine. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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