Top Tips To Make Moving Home Easier On Your Children

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We all need a fresh start from time to time, and moving home is arguably the most powerful way to begin a new chapter in your life. However, for all the excitement involved, it can cause a few minor issues. This is particularly true if you have young children.

Leaving the only home they’ve ever known can be scary for the kids. Deep down, you know that they’ll soon come to know and love the new property. Nonetheless, that doesn’t change your desire to make the process easier on your special little guys.

While there are products to help ease the move, you might still need a little extra assistance. Here are some top tips to ensure that the transition runs as smoothly as possible.

Don’t Alienate From The Past

The most frightening thing for children isn’t entering the unknown. Losing the things they’ve become accustomed to is far more scary. While kids are resilient, you shouldn’t take them entirely out of their comfort zone.

Simple ideas like bringing furniture with your from the old home will bring a familiarity. They will make a mental link between those items and the old home. This can be especially useful when designing their new bedroom.

However, you want to make sure that items arrive safely. It sounds a little dramatic, but a broken bed could signal broken dreams. Hiring professionals to transport your items will take a huge weight off your mind. Visit for more information.
If you’re staying in the same local area, you should also invite their friends over. This will underline that things are still very much the same. If you have moved to a new neighbourhood, allow them to make new friends a quickly as possible.

Give Them Something To Look Forward To

One of the best ways to mask a child’s anxieties is to replace those feelings with excitement. This might not always be the most useful parenting tip on the world, but moving home is a time when you should definitely consider using this method.

By arranging a family vacation, the children will be too focused on that to worry too much about moving home. They will also link the holiday to the move. Suddenly, the two of them become a package and the whole thing becomes more appealing.

To be fair, with all the work involved, that vacation might come in handy for you too.

Unpack Their Room First

The last thing you need once you’ve moved in is to be stuck with a bored child. Whatever you do, make sure you unpack their room first.

Even if the room still needs decorating, it’s always good to get them acclimatised to the new room. Just having their toys will keep them entertained and help them settle quicker. Meanwhile, it will give you a little peace while you try to sort out other important parts of the moving process.

Additionally, you should be sure to have sorted your internet package so that it’s available from the day you move in. This will allow your child to go online and tell their friends about the new home. Even if you’ve moved a long distance and know that they will fade apart, your child’s friends have an important role to play in this process.

Don’t forget it.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

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