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A Complete Guide to Women’s Health

Even though it has almost been two months to International Day of Action for Women’s Health, I believe that it is important to talk about women’s health every single day. It is a fact that women often tend to ignore their health or take it for granted, resulting into numerous problems and complications that could have easily been sorted had it been caught at the right time. After all, someone has very rightly said, prevention is better than cure.  

Women end up taking so many roles in their lives—of a caregiver, provider, housekeeper, partner, office worker, amongst so many others. Hence, finding the time, energy and motivation to care for themselves can be difficult. And there are the hormones that are necessary to maintain a balance in life. Here are some important tips for all women that will help them take care of themselves amidst all the challenges and changes life throws at them:

  • Diet


A good diet is not just about choosing whole grains, limiting caffeine, and eating the right vegetables and fruits daily—though all that is very important too. What is also very important is the type of vegetables you eat, how you prepare them, and the times of the day you consume your meals. It is a must to not skip breakfasts, as the energy you gain from a hearty breakfast keeps you up and about the entire day. If you do not like full and heavy breakfasts to start your day with, you can start with a bowl of oatmeal or a fruits. It is also a good idea to include nuts in your diet, like flaxseed which has many nutrients good for a woman’s body. Dark green vegetables like kale and broccoli are also important for a balanced diet.  

  • Rest


As women struggle with jobs, kids, home and their relationships, it is hard to get some rest or even go to bed at a reasonable hour. So, sit down and make a schedule that you must stick to. Also, do not hesitate to ask for help if and when you need it. Good organization and routine can help you get the rest you need and manage things without stress and panic.

  • Exercise


Daily exercise is essential. Not only will a daily workout make you feel better, it can have great effects on your health, which are more long-term in nature. A walk everyday can soothe your nerves and freshen you up by keeping your blood flow regular.  

  • Supplements


Many times the food we eat is not sufficient to provide us the nutrients we need. In such cases, women need nutrients in the form of supplements to take care of the needs that are not met by food alone. Women need calcium for strong bones and to prevent osteoporosis, but too much can take a toll on other parts of the body and can cause problems like including kidney stones and heart problems.

  • Regular health check-ups

Regular health check-ups

This one is as important as regular exercise and a balanced diet. Women must not ignore their health and get regular check-ups to make sure everything is fit and in the best shape. And they must choose their medical facility very carefully. Fortis La Femme is one of the finest centres for women’s health. Whether it is finding the perfect IVF centre in India or general health, it takes care of its patients with the topmost doctors and facilities.

So, women, do not neglect your health. It is the most important thing when it comes to maintaining a lifestyle and positive outlook towards life.  


Anjali Dixit

Anjali Dixit, a passionate blogger, I enjoy my work and believe there is always a lot to discover in the world of Internet.

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