A Complete Requirement List for Visitor Visa 600 in Australia

Are you planning to visit the mesmerizing Australia with the visitor visa subclass 600 in an effective manner? Well, with this visa, you can come to Australia to meet a number of purposes. Say for instance, you can visit Australia for visiting your friends or family. Alternatively, you can also come to Australia with visa subclass 600 to complete some business related activities. To lodge a perfect application, you need to meet each of the eligibility requirements of the 600 visa. A complete checklist of these eligibility requirements can be considered below.

Documentation Requirement

The application of the tourist visa 600 has to be prim and proper. To satisfy this criterion, you need to submit some documents to the Department of Home Affairs without a failure. These documents have been outlined below as per their individual categories.

GTE documents

The GTE requirement wants you to prove that you are coming to Australia as Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE). So, to meet this requirement, you need to provide the following documents to the Department of Home Affairs.

    • A substantial letter from your friend or relative residing in Australia and who is inviting you to visit the country. This particular letter should prove certain aspects. These include their proof of funds in case he or she is sponsoring your stay in Australia. The letter should also prove your relationship with the person aside proving your stay length and purpose. If you are staying with the friend or relative, the letter should prove it as well.
    • Documents which prove your pertinent plans while being in Australia
    • Credentials which prove that you have access to sufficient funds to stay in Australia and leave the country effectively. These documents primary include your credit card limit, tax records, audited accounts, pay slips as well as your personal bank statements.

Aside these documents, your GTE documents must prove another crucial aspect too. Through substantial documents, you should be able to prove that you have substantial reasons to go back to your home country.

GTE documents proving your return

So, by submitting certain crucial documents, you should be able to prove that you have substantial reasons to return to your home country. These documents include the following:

    • Documents which prove that you are the owner of a house and other potential assets in your native country.
    • Documents which prove that you are able to return to your home country
    • Credentials which substantiate that you have immediate family members residing in your home country.
    • Documents which prove that you are currently studying at a university, college or school in your native country and
    • A letter from the end of your employer which states that you have the plan to return to your existing job.

Make sure you check the document checklist tool of the visa subclass 600 to get a deeper insight about these documents.

Valid documents of your identity

There are certain documents again submitting which will prove your original identity to the Department of Home Affairs. These documents include the following:

    • The certified copies of your birth certificates both for you and your accompanying family members. The birth certificates must prove the names of both the parents of each of the applicants.
    • Provide relevant documents in case you or any of your accompanying family members has altered his or her name. According to this documentation criterion, you need to provide the certified copy of the evidence which prove the name change to be substantial.
    • A passport sized photograph. Remember that the name of the individual should be on the back of the passport-sized photograph without a failure. Again, the photograph which you have clicked should be of the dimension till your head and shoulders only accompanied by a substantial colored background. Make sure that the dimension of your photographs is (45mmX35mm) which applies to every single individual included in your visa application.
    • The certified copies of the current passports containing the valid biographical pages. Alternatively, you can submit the valid travel documents as well. These include the pages with the personal details, photo, the expiry dates and the issue of the passport holders and
    • A valid national identity card

Aside these documents there are some other identity documents which you need to submit to the Department of Home Affairs too. Say for instance, documents which prove some other names by which you are conventionally known by etc.

Visa Application Form

As part of the application procedure of the tourist visa 600 you need to lodge an error-free application. According to this criterion, you need fill out the valid application form of the visitor visa 600 with the right pieces of information. To complete this task successfully, seek top-notch immigration assistance from the best Migration Agent in Perth Australia.

Character Documents

The character documents of the 600 Visa require you to prove that both you and your family members have served the military sector of an eligible nation. According to this criterion, you need to provide the discharge papers or military service records to the Department of Home Affairs. Hire the best Migration Agent in Perth to dive deeper into the character documents which you need to provide unfailingly.

Appoint a Migration in Perth

So, to obtain your visitor visa 600 perfectly, you should have met each of the imperative requirements stated above. One of the best Migration Agents Perth can help you meet each of these requirements in the proper and expected way. At the end, your Migration Agent Perth will ascertain the finest visa application for you.

Sahil Arora

I am an experienced blogger, and writer. I am involved in various online activities through which imparts various lessons and the latest trends to people with diverse needs.

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