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A Farmer’s Wife: Wonderful Wacky Ways to Meet Farmers

The life of a farmer is often hard with long working hours but many women consider them to be an ideal partner for marrying and having a family. The thought of bringing up children in a rural idyll with a hard working family man is a very attractive prospect, so how do you increase your chances of becoming a farmer’s wife?

Start with the obvious

The clue is in the title of the event, but if you want to meet a farmer then try going to a farmers market because that is where they will often go in order to sell their produce or trade in livestock. You should not be surprised to learn that a farmers market is full of farmers and what better place to start talking to some suitable looking men and seeing if they show an interest.

Show an interest

farmer-traktorTry to attend some country fairs or other similar agricultural events where single farmers will be in attendance and may well have a stall set up to sell their fresh produce or give a demonstration about the work that they are doing. Conversation should be easy to come by if you start talking to them and show an interest in what they are doing and what they have to say. Who knows, if you show an interest in their work then they may well return the compliment and show an interest in you.

Become part of the community

If you really want to find love and marriage with a farmer and also love the rural lifestyle then the best way of making sure that you stand a good chance of realizing the dream of living in the country and settling down with someone from a farming background, is to move to farming community. Once you become part of the local scene and start to develop a social circle then you will also become a far more attractive proposition to a farmer who is looking for a partner.


If moving to a rural area is not possible for any number of reasons then there is still a good way of getting to know people in a farming community and developing some friendships. There are certain times of the year when crops need picking or harvesting and volunteering is a great way of getting involved. Although it may be hard work, it can be very rewarding and satisfying, in more ways than one if you manage to take the eye of a suitable farmer whilst you are there helping.


If you are aware of some important social dates in the calendar where many farmers are in attendance, such as an annual Hunt Ball, then try to get an invite or a ticket and especially get involved if you see any singles events specifically aimed at people in the farming community or who live in rural areas.

There are so many conventional and sometimes wacky ways to meet a farmer who may well turn out to be a good husband and family man, so grab every opportunity that you can to see if you can date someone who loves working the land but could also end up loving you as well.

Hollie Nicholls is a relationship counselor with extensive experience. She enjoys sharing her tips and helping her readers explore new avenues when it comes to dating.

Kalyan B Das

Kalyan is a web developer, a blogger and an online entrepreneur. He is the primary developer of this blog and takes care of all the technical happenings in this site

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