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A Practical Guide To Coping With Disability

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Life can change in the blink of an eye. If you’ve had an accident, or you’ve been diagnosed with a serious illness, a normal day can quickly become a nightmare. If your life has been turned upside down as a result of disability, this guide will hopefully, make it easier to cope.

Medical care and insurance

None of us are immune to illness or accidents. Even if you’re incredibly fit and healthy, there’s always a risk that you could end up battling a serious disease. One day, you may be on top of the world. The next, you may be fighting for your life after being hit by a car or falling down the stairs. You may feel fine, but routine tests may show that you have signs of heart disease or cancer.

If you do have an accident, or you develop a disease, it’s important that you understand what kind of medical cover you’re entitled to. Read the details of your policy carefully. If you have employee benefits, but they don’t offer everything you need, take out additional cover.

Do you need to claim on your insurance for an accident or an ongoing condition, which has resulted in physical or mental disability? If so, follow the instructions from your insurance provider. If you have questions, or you’re unsure what to do, don’t hesitate to ask for advice.

Finding out about entitlements

Disability often affects your ability to work and earn. If you’re unable to earn a living, it’s important to find out about your entitlement to state support. Regular payments and reductions on fees could help to boost your finances and give you peace of mind.

Seeking legal advice

If you’re worried about the implications of your disability when it comes to employment or benefits, seek advice. If you suffer from a disability, and you have insurance through your employer, you should be entitled to benefits. Do you feel that your employer is being difficult? Or has their insurance provider rejected your benefits claim? If so, don’t suffer in silence. Contacting professionals like Scott Davis ERISA attorney could help to secure your financial future. In many cases, company providers will reject claims, which could legally be approved. In this case, it’s always worth exercising your right to appeal.

Finding work

In some cases, disability can make working impossible. But it may be possible to find work if you have mild disabilities. If you have physical disabilities, you may not be able to continue work as a laborer or a police officer. But you may be able to employ other skills in a different role. Search online for openings or get in touch with local recruiters and careers services. You may also find that charities can provide useful information to help you find work.

Coming to terms with disability can be a long and complex process. It can take a while for things to sink in, and to adjust to a future that looks very different. If you are have a disability, there is help and advice out there. Some employers and insurance providers will be incredibly helpful and supportive. But if you encounter problems, there are people and organizations out there willing to fight your corner. Find out more about your legal rights and entitlements, and don’t suffer in silence if you’ve been treated unfairly.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of KlmnWeb.