A Short Introduction of Endoscopy for Your General Knowledge

Doctors use endoscopy to look into your digestive track and see what’s wrong with it. It is done through an instrument called endoscope. The endoscope is a long tube with a light and a camera. It is passed through your mouth and throat into the esophagus. The doctor reviews the esophagus, the stomach and the intestines and identifies the root problem. He also takes pictures of your digestive track for future records.

Types of Endoscopy

  • Upper Endoscopy – it constitutes the esophagus, stomach and upper intestines.
  • Lower Endoscopy (also called colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy) – done in the large intestines and inserted through the rectum.
  • ERCP – this method is called Endoscopy Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography. The doctor here inspects the pancreas, gall bladders and other related structures.
  • There are various other endoscopic procedures specific to the parts of the body. For example, endoscopy conducted in the ear is called Otoscopy, the respiratory tract undergoing endoscopy in the nose is called Rhinoscopy and the lower respiratory tract is called Bronchoscopy and others.

How Painful is the Procedure?

Endoscopy is a safe procedure done by trained doctors. As mentioned earlier it is a non-surgical procedure hence no pain is involved. But since the endoscopic tube is inserted through the mouth and throat you can experience some discomfort and vomiting feeling. In most cases you are administered a mild anaesthetic to numb the throat area, but some discomfort can continue even after the procedure is over.  A patient can experience soreness, bloating, sore throat and nausea. The recovery process can take a few days and depends majorly on the type of endoscopy that you go through.

Endoscopic instrument are careful made for the comfort of the patient and for the efficiency in the diagnosis procedure. Only the experienced endoscopy products dealer supply instruments to the hospitals for better treatment and better care. They sell licensed products with specific quality standards.

What Are the Preparations Needed?

The entire procedure takes only an hour to complete. Before you can take the procedure your doctor advises on all the rules and regulations that you need to follow. Depending on the type of your endoscopy, your doctor can advise you to fast for at least 12 hours before the treatment. Some procedures involve consumption of laxatives to clear the gut. Make sure to consult in detail with your doctor regarding the rules you need to follow, the recovery process and ensure if any risks or side effects are involved. 

Modern Usage in Surgery

The advancement in technology has facilitated the use of an endoscope in some form of surgery. Hospitals purchase a special type of endoscope form the endoscopy products distributor for surgical purposes. This endoscope in medical terms is called a laparoscope and used in keyhole surgery, making the procedure less invasive. Surgeons use laparoscope in removal of gall bladder, sealing the fallopian tube and removal of small tumors from sensitive areas like the respiratory tracts. Through this modern advancement patients lose less blood and experience less pain as compared to traditional surgeries. The time consumption is also considerably reduced.

Joseph Webb

Joseph Webb is an excellent blogger and philosopher, His keen observation to provide useful information which helps readers to get more idea.

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