A Step-By-Step Guide to Setting Up A Simple but Effective Email Marketing Campaign

Plenty of newbie businesses recognize the importance of getting their name in the unchartered and chartered territories. Seasoned players do not get comfortable after reaching certain milestones in the industry because silence has a way of scraping the client base empty. Emails make up a significant part of the conversion funnel for the information age. Unlike social media, well-crafted emails have a high potential of triggering the reader to open the content and ultimately enroll as a subscriber. There are simple guidelines one ought to follow to set up a feasible emailing campaign.


Shop for a convenient email marketing software system


There are hundreds of variants of emailing software which offers services ranging from complex databases with shopping carts to simple tracking utilities. It is easy picking a software after pre-listing a checklist of attributes that will enhance the brand’s message. These qualities include the business’ interests, the clients’ purchasing behaviors and other available programs such as affiliate services.


Create an emailing list


Email is a solo dojo communication platform in the age where one is unwillingly bombarded with sales ads on the internet. Social media analyses the browsing habits of a user and frequently enlist products and services on their timeline that may match their preferences. Even Forbes and other general content platforms offer a sign-out option for one to block the sales frame on the page. Email marketing campaigns require the business to gain authorization from the user before spamming their inbox. Additionally, emails have a fast spam filtration feature.


It is necessary that a marketer builds an original emailing list despite the volume in a count. Set up a form where visitors can leave their email addresses for newsletters and updates. Other sign-up sources include social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. Post entertaining and relevant information that will prompt the users to sign up for the newsletter. Content such as the details of an upcoming or past event, news coverage, and shopping guides are clickbait for the business’ end goal.


Design effectual email campaigns


Begin by narrowing down on the purpose of creating an email campaign. It could be to deepen relationships with clients, increase revenue with increased sales or educating the readers. The goal of the campaign is always apparent from the business’ end goal. The emailing software will facilitate in reaching the core goals of the firm.


A good email marketing software will help in creating a theme that will capture a reader’s attention. The features necessary for the effect will include a proper text to image ratio, well-proportioned headers, call-to-action buttons and the right persuasive words that do not pass off as spam. Using words such as ’buy now’ will automatically put the prospective client on the defense, especially when they do not understand the value of the product or service. Add trigger content such as Amazon’s ‘Today’s Recommendation for you’ to trigger the release of additional information after clicking the link.


Set up an auto responsive email


Schedule the software to send out a certain number of emails. This could vary depending on the established relationship with the clients. On most occasions, sending out more than one mail per day is annoying to the receiver. Release mass emails perhaps twice a week to retain ongoing and prospective clients.


Track the marketing results


Monitor how subscribers respond to various tactics by analyzing the click-through. Test an array of email styles such as different subject lines with top clients to study their reactions. If a technique does not attract a bounty of subscribers, remember that it is better to be wrong in marketing than to have no results due to a fear-based attitude of inaction.


Most people will quickly scan an email before continuing to delete it, ignore it or even mark it as spam. Create short, catchy emails with summarized information of the senders’ ambition. Resist the temptation to wing it in creating a successful campaign by following well-proven guidelines that help in manifesting the agenda.

Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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