Adopting a Cat? Here are Some Tips and Tricks

Having a pet is such a rewarding experience. It’s a joy to take care of and love another creature. A cat is one of the most popular pets around, with good reason. These furry friends are fuzzy and warm. They can be loving, yet each has its own unique personality. If you’re bringing a kitty home for the first time, you probably have questions. Keep reading for some tips and tricks on adopting a cat.

Be Patient

One of the most important things to know in the early days of cat adoption is that you will need to be patient with your new pet. While cats can be quite affectionate, they are also independent creatures by nature. They like to show love on their own terms. This is particularly true when they first enter a new environment. It will take your new cat some time to get used to you and its new surroundings. Give kitty some space and be patient. You’ll be bonding soon enough. If you have other pets, take extra care during the process of acquainting them with each other. It may make sense to keep pets separated and introduce them slowly in a designated area of the home until they get used to each other.

Get a Scratching Post

More and more people are becoming aware that de-clawing is a harmful practice. Therefore, it’s likely your cat will have its claws. It’s important to know that scratching is a normal part of a cat’s nature. It’s their instinct to scratch things. Investing in a scratching post will give your kitty an outlet for sharpening its claws on a safe surface. It’s also likely to save your furniture or your walls. This is a purchase you’ll definitely be glad you made.

Take Care of the Litter Box

The litter box is an essential item when it comes to owning a cat. Cats like their litter box to be clean and tidy, so be sure to scoop it regularly. They also enjoy their privacy when using their box. That’s why you’ll want to take special care in choosing one that works well for your pet and your home. Take time to choose the best cat litter box you can find. It should be an adequate size for your kitty to fit comfortably. Choosing a box with a lid or side splash guards can be helpful for adding privacy. These things can also eliminate odors and keep your floor clean. It’s a good idea to put the litter box in an area that doesn’t get much traffic. Your cat will appreciate the privacy.

Flea Control Is Essential

Fleas can be damaging to your cat’s fur and can make them itch. Fleas can also spread disease. It’s crucial that you choose a method of flea control for your new pal in order to keep the fleas away. Your vet should be able to advise you on which method is best for your pet. There are collars, monthly treatments you place on their neck, and flea baths. Keeping fleas away will also be important for your home and family. You can also get an itchy rash from flea bites on your skin. It’s difficult to rid a house of a flea infestation once it’s in place, so it’s best to take preventative measures.

Cats Need to Be Groomed Regularly

While cats are quite good at cleaning themselves and may not require baths, they should definitely be brushed regularly. Every day is good if you have a long-haired kitty. If you start the practice early, you’re likely to discover your cat enjoys being brushed. It also helps to eliminate shedding and keeps their fur shiny and free of matting.

These tips should get you started on your journey as a cat owner. Adopting a cat can be a fulfilling and rewarding experience. Your new fuzzy friend is likely to bring you years of warmth, joy, and love. Getting to know your kitty and watching its personality unfold is also a lot of fun. As with anything new, getting used to being a responsible cat owner will take some getting used to. With practice, you’ll feel more confident in your abilities. Hopefully, this list will help you along the way. 

Katie Gorden

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests, photography, and a campfire surrounded by friends and family.

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