Advantages & Disadvantages of Watching Television – The Influence of TV

Television (TV) is very popular now. In fact, this is one of the most common sources of getting information from around the world. But still many people think that TV is the root of all evil. They blame television for spreading misinformation and influencing consumerism. In fact, many people also blame television for the violence of the society. They are not entirely wrong, but meanwhile, it is also true that television is still a great source of gathering knowledge.

Overall it is fair to conclude that watching television has both advantages and disadvantages. In this post, we will discuss about those pros and cons of watching television.

Advantages of Watching TV

The benefits of watching TV are as follows:

  1. By watching news on television, you will be able to keep yourself updated with the current affairs.
  2. Television is still one of the best sources where you can buy entertainment at an affordable price.
  3. Many channels feature educational programs. By watching those shows, you will be able to increase your knowledge.
  4. You can also watch do-it-yourself shows on the TV. It will help you to learn cooking, crafting etc.
  5. By watching shows on finance, you can gather financial knowledge and learn the art of investing money.
  6. Television is also a great way of learning foreign languages.
  7. Several studies have revealed the fact that television helps people to feel less lonely.
  8. Many shows motivate people and help them to pursue their dreams.
  9. Television can expand your mind. Many shows help people to learn about different places, culture and country. By watching different types of shows, you will have a broader understanding of the world.
  10. Television can dramatically improve your creativity. The fact may sound shocking, but it’s true. By watching Australia’s most creative TV series, you will be able to boost your creativity.
  11. Television helps people to feel like a part of a group and encourage them to participate in a shared subculture.

Disadvantages of Watching TV

The cons of watching TV are as follows:

  1. By watching too much TV, you can put your physical and mental health condition at great risk.
  2. Crime and violence are frequently depicted on different TV shows. It can create a negative impact on children as well as on adults. Overall it is fair to conclude that different crime thriller will encourage people to show aggressive behaviour.
  3. Several studies have revealed the fact that television makes people a bit unsocial.
  4. Many people think that television has a hidden agenda of influencing consumerism.
  5. Television can also ruin your relationships. Instead of communicating with your loved ones if you keep watching TV, then chances are very high you will end up ruining your relationships.
  6. Some people take television too seriously. Due to this reason they often experience the same negative reaction (such as loss of an imaginary friendship) that their favourite characters feel.

So, these are some of the common advantages and disadvantages of watching television. Hope the post was informative and you have enjoyed reading it. For any question regarding this feel free to use the comment box below or leave us a mail.

Tom Clark

I have substantial digital marketing experience & my primary focus is content writing. I have handled several design and development projects and helped businesses enjoy high ranks

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