Advice to Entrepreneurs As They Start New Businesses

You can easily be carried away by the excitement of starting a business such that you forget to plan. Most companies fail within the first six months while the others fail within the first three years. Therefore, entrepreneurs need to give their best to ensure that their businesses survive the teething period. As an entrepreneur who is starting a venture, you need to be aware of these things to ensure success in your business.


Understand why you want to start a business

The entrepreneurial journey is not as easy as many people perceive. It is a journey backed by challenges, financial ups, and downs, requires a lot of work, and a lot of uncertainty. Therefore, you need first to understand why you are starting a venture so that you get into it with your eyes wide open. The upside is rewarding if you are clear on why you want to venture into business and precisely why you chose the type of business such as food business.


Know your target group

You need to understand who is going to be your customer for the services or products you are selling. Describe your ideal customer and your market niche. It plays an integral role in designing a brand for your business that will target your customers, your pricing method, the business location, and the marketing techniques you will use. Make sure you are specific about your customers and research more about them so that you can understand them and their needs. The only way to meet the needs of your customers is by getting into their heads.


Size up the competition

You need to know who else is doing what you want to do and how well they are doing it. You need to study your competitors and learn their weaknesses and strengths. It enables you to capitalize on their mistakes so that you can offer services or goods that are better than the competitor’s while at the same time providing what their customers appreciate. Your business ought to focus on what the competitor fails in or what need they don’t cater for so that you can offer a product or service that grabs a share of their space.


Come up with a realistic budget

When venturing into a new business, you might be carried away by the excitement of the investment. That means that you could end up with estimating profits and underestimating operating and startup costs for the venture. You can consider a strategy where you double up the time required to set up the venture, double up the total cost of starting it, and halve the income you expect from this business. If all that still stacks up, then you can start the venture. Besides, hiring a financial expert to help you come up with a realistic budget is a good idea. An accountant will break down all the costs necessary to start and operate your business until you start realizing profits. Such a budget will not frustrate you. The accountant will also help in taxation and small business bookkeeping.


Research on rules and regulations

Every state or country has rules and regulations that govern businesses, more so, startup businesses. The laws vary from state to state. Therefore, you will have to check the rules and regulations governing startup businesses in your state. Make sure you adhere to all guidelines such as taxation and workplace safety to avoid getting on the wrong side of the law.


Look for a mentor

You need to have someone to talk to and give business advice. A mentor will help you to avoid making some avoidable mistakes as you start your venture. The mentor should be older in business, one who has been successful in business, and one who is willing to sacrifice time to give advice.


You cannot guarantee the outcome of a new business. However, you can stack the odds to favor you. Also, prior planning is essential in avoiding disaster and business losses. These guidelines will enable you to avoid the common mistakes made by entrepreneurs as they start their ventures.


Craig Middleton

Craig has worked in health, real estate, and HR businesses for most of his professional career. He graduated at UC Berkeley with a bachelor's degree in Marketing.

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