Age Restrictions On Vaping? Legal Vaping Age Restrictions In All 50 States

With the growing popularity of -cigs among youths and teenagers, people, especially parents, want to know the lawful age to purchase and use vaping devices and products. According to the recent federal regulation on vaping, which was modified on December 20, 2019, an individual must be 21 years or older to legally purchase any vape-related device or product. However, it is important to be aware of the regulations about vaping in your state.

In this post, we will take a quick look at the age restrictions placed on vaping in all 50 states in the US.

Federal Vaping Age Restriction

Previously, the federal vaping age restriction allowed anybody that was 18 years or older to purchase or possess a vaping device. However, a new regulation was signed, restricting the legal e-cig age to those that are 21 and above on December 20, 2019. This age restriction also includes owning a vaping device. Hence, you will have to be over 20 to legally own an electronic cigarette. While this new regulation is considered by many to be one of the strictest regulations on vaping around the world, a report shows why that is.

Several studies show that most people begin using nicotine-related products before they are 21. Hence, Federal Legislators in the United States believe they can minimize the reliance on nicotine for the future generation at the age of 21. Check out this company to learn more.

The Food and Drug Administration said that this law will be modified in 6-month intervals. However, they also indicated that this regulation is already in effect. Hence, the division among the majority of states on modifying their vape age restriction now or when the federal regulation will be addressed in 6 months. This division is not as a result of the age restriction; however, many states wonder if there is any need to impose it.

States Vaping Age Restrictions

Each state in the United State has its own age restrictions on the lawful use or purchase of vaping devices or products. However, these laws are constantly modified by individual states.  Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, all place their age restriction on the procurement or use of vaping devices at 21. California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, and Florida adopt the same age restriction as to the aforementioned states. The reason for this is that the greater part of the states categorizes tobacco and vaping products in the same group. However, Georgia and South Carolina do not, hence, there are no age restrictions concerning vaping in these states. Hawaii, Idaho, and Indiana also have similar age restrictions as other states which are 21. With most States restricting their legal vape age to 21, Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Louisiana, however, have set theirs to 18. On the other hand, the age restriction for purchasing and owning a vape device or product in New Hampshire is 19.

Bottom Line

The typical legal age to vape in most of the States in the US is 21 with a few states setting restrictions at 18 and 19 years.

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Ariana Smith

Ariana Smith is a freelancer content writer by profession and blogger by passion. She is co-founder of Content Rally.

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