Age Won’t Matter: Reasons Why Chair Yoga is Ideal For Senior People

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Getting older comes with many gifts; experience, maturity, perspective, grace, and wisdom. However, it can also carry out some challenges. Physically, its harder to keep off those extra weights. According to the study of the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention, over one-third of adults aged 65 and older are obese.

However, exercise and healthy eating can help in preventing injury, disease, keeping your physical body in shape, and brain training and meditation exercises can keep your mind sharp. In that case, yoga, especially chair yoga can offer a wide variety of health benefits, working with psychological and physical wonders.


Seniors, who often suffer from pain, osteoarthritis,  imbalance, joint stress,  and other physical conditions, can benefit from combining a chair yoga exercise into their daily routine. Here are some of many advantages that chair yoga can offer for seniors.

Improves Strength 

Chair yoga is known to build up the strength of the body. Admittedly, if your body becomes strong, you can gain more energy throughout the day for any activities. For instance, chair yoga is especially ideal to build up the strength of senior citizens. They can have a walk outside, enjoy their hobbies, and even enjoy their social life more.

Besides, chair yoga routines can help the ones who experience from recent or chronic pains. It helps to resist the current injury adequately and strengthen your body for the future damages.

Enhance Pain and Stress Management 

Chair yoga also includes breath work, that can help people not only with coping and managing pain but also for stress management. Through paying attention to your breath and meditation, you can improve your mind and body to deal with the illness or any condition you’re probably suffering.

Opportunity to Socialize 

Joining chair yoga sessions for those with mobility problems and the elderly will give them a place to make friends and socialize like what the personalized home and senior care agency in Winnipeg offers.

However, it’s essential that you choose an ideal class so that the instructor will have definite knowledge about what is right for you to do and they’ll be able to adapt the exercises suitably.

Regain Flexibility 

Some people think a loss of flexibility is inevitable with aging, which is a common misconception. The truth is, you can enhance your flexibility at any age. That’s why people who start training yoga in their 60s up to 80s or even 90s, notice that they regain the flexibility in their muscles, joints, and connective tissues.

More so, those who continue their yoga over the long term even describe that they don’t only regain their lost mobility but usually become more flexible than during their younger years.

Fight Common Diseases 

Majority of chair yoga participants said that after one to three months of weekly classes, they could sleep better at nights. Many senior yoga students who previously suffered from chronic constipation have a more regular bowel movement without medication.

On the other hand, pain from a chronic backache, arthritis, sciatica, and other conditions also appears to decrease o  even disappear in some cases with chair yoga practice.

Promotes Mindfulness 

Since so much of yoga focuses on listening to your body and breathing, an added benefit is the increased awareness of self through proper practice.

As you train yoga and become mindful not just of your body, but also of your emotions and thoughts, you can become more conscious and connected to your community,  your environment, and the world that surrounds you.


There are several reasons why our body tends to slow down and become more inactive as we age. It may be due to weight or pain issues, health problems, or you probably think that exercising is not for you.

But as you grow old, an active lifestyle like practicing chair yoga becomes essential than ever for your health. That’s why get moving can help strengthen your energy, manage pain and stress, and get a chance to socialize with others with the same goals as yours.


Sandeep is an expert blogger and travel advisor. He writes majorly on trips and journeys made on trains and buses from one place to another.

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