An Advanced Learning Process for Children!

Knowledge has the power to make a person successful in the world. Presently, it is the most dominant weapon to grab the attention not only in academics but in other professions too. An educated person who may want to gather intense proficiency about the subject he is dealing with needs to take some basic yet vital strategies to make it big. And the essential strategies are none other than learning and reading. Among these, reading has been demonstrated to be the most valuable tool to make a person conscious of any principle they may encounter in their life journey.

In today’s world, many literate people lack sufficient understanding of the subject that they earlier studied. This is due to the lack of capability to comprehend what they read in its totality. What they lack is nothing but the skill of close reading.

Close reading is a process by which someone can go through an intense reading of a subject or a particular topic and entirely understand it. This can help to gather enough information about what they are reading and hence, they find a door of success open ahead of them. Close reading is generally the careful, sustained interpretation of a text. Even for a student in academics, detailed close reading is required to determine the purpose and to notice unique features and terminologies used by the author so that the student becomes capable of thinking logically about the text. It helps the students to understand any text in it micro-level.

In contrary to the general understanding, close reading emphasises the critical scrutiny to the individual word, the syntax, the order in which the sentences clarify the ideas, as well as formal structures. The process proved to increase the interest of students regarding the study. Many educational institutes (colleges and universities) have already commenced the class of closed reading. In the recent decade, most educational institutes have also introduced the common core standard. Due to such popularity, resources are designed to instruct educators to implement such teaching techniques in the classroom.

Why do children need a close reading?

Close reading helps children develop a sense of language. There is hardly any place for gist reading, short interpretations and short discussions based on the text. It helps to make the children ready for the future. Competitions are getting tougher, so are learning procedures. To fulfil this criterion, each student has to build up great insight into the vocabulary. Closed reading enables them to be one step ahead. Intense, deep and careful reading will give a clear idea on a particular text. This valuable knowledge will help to shine in future.

What can the close reading offer?  

  • This learning process provides the children with an array of resources and lessons that presented the core fact and logic into the text.
  • Computer-based e-resources deliver hundreds of levelled books in a mobile platform with help to improve reading skill and strategy.
  • Working with visual organisers, question-answer type schedules, interesting quizzes and interactive sessions make the students more successful to read.
  • Large vocabulary bank prompts them to improve the language sense. It gives the capacity of fluent speaking and writing.
  • An extensive collection of books and resources and hands-on experiments, the interesting background will grab a student’s attention.

Close reading can strengthen the quality of classes with interesting activities as well. It is very beneficial for an academic career.

Aisha Olson

I am a Blogger living in the Edmonton, AB area. I am a graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in journalism and media studies.

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