An Exclusive Bathroom Renovation Checklist For You

A bathroom renovation process can be overwhelming, as you have to decide many things like:


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  • How much money you can spend (i.e. your budget)?
  • Which fixtures and fittings will suit your renovated bathroom?
  • Are you going to change the bathroom layout or not? And so on.

Technically, it requires a thorough planning that includes structural integrity, functionality and a stylish look.

To ensure your dream bathroom-remodelling project turns out the way you envisioned it first, here is the checklist you need to consider before renovating your bathroom.

  1. Budget – Decide how much you want to invest

When renovating, you really don’t want to leave yourself with short on cash. So, setting a budget will guide you in the precise direction of remodelling your bathroom including those little luxuries.

Once you’ve calculated the overall cost to buy fixtures and fittings and other materials for the bathroom renovation and figured out the labour cost that you will need to pay, and then you can determine whether you want to invest on premium bathroom vanity, cabinets, fixtures, tiles, taps and so on.

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  1. Measurements – Precisely measure the spaces to be remodel

When renovating the bathroom, measurements are important when it comes to existing plumbing location, size of your bathroom and electrical wiring in your bathroom.

Therefore, it is important to have appropriate specifications and measurements when you visit the store to purchase bathroom fixtures and fittings because it might be more frustrating to purchase materials that does not fit your bathroom’s layout perfectly.

  1. Time – Decide the time period for completing a bathroom renovation

If you think that a small bathroom remodel will not consume much time or will quickly be completed then think again.

No matter you’re having a small or a large bathroom, the completion depends upon the number of items you’re changing in your bathroom.

Many times the renovation period is determined on certain immediate steps such as ordering the tiles or taps, delivery of custom-built cabinets and vanity, delay in delivering the renovation materials and so on. Hence, planning is crucial to determine timely completion of the renovation process.

  1. Style, Design & Functionality – who will use the bathroom and which design will be ideal

Your bathroom is a very personal place. It is the first room that you use every morning, so when you plan a bathroom renovation, it is equally important to plan a space that you will love and be comfortable with for coming years.

Bathroom Renovations Melbourne

And when it comes to functionality, there are many factors to consider like showers, bathtubs, paint, taps and more. No wonder, it can be an overwhelming situation, so it’s better to research before you purchase any furnishing and fixture for your bathroom.

  1. Expert Contractors – Hire a certified contractor

There will be some tasks during the renovation that you are happy to DIY, and this completely depends upon your DIY skills. However, in certain tasks you cannot perform as good as the professional bathroom renovators do. So in such a situation, make sure to hire an expert contractor having a sound track record, has all genuine documents and with a clear understanding of how you want your bathroom to look like, or what functionalities you want in a bathroom.

  1. Work Systematically – Follow the work sequence

A bathroom renovation process should be performed in a specific work sequence for preventing mistakes and get a timely completion. Whether you are demolishing a sheetrock or repainting the walls of your bathroom, you always need to start from the top surface to the bottom. Start by remodelling first the ceiling area, then take the walls and at last go for floor remodel. Following this hierarchy will help you prevent any damage to the newly installed elements in your bathroom.

  1. Cabinets, Storage and Shelving – Determine the storing solution

If you want to store your essentials systematically in your bathroom, cabinets and shelving are a great storing solution. But, sometimes in a room like a bathroom, it is tricky to install cabinets and shelves. Therefore, proper planning is mandatory when placing them to get functional cabinets and shelves that will accommodate all your bathroom essentials while keeping everything easily reachable. In fact, they must fit into the space in a way that not only looks stylish but also reflects your bathroom’s design.

  1. Ventilation – Make sure your bathroom has proper ventilation

Ventilation is one of the most vital factors to consider before a large or small bathroom renovation. It is a tricky task that needs proper planning from selecting an accurate fan, installing it on the right location to proper electrical wiring because poor ventilation can leave your bathroom damp, mouldy and can even harm your health.

Moreover, a well-ventilated bathroom is not just healthy but it also provides a continuous airflow that prevents dispersion of insulations and decaying of any wooden fixtures.

  1. Plumbing – Map up the plumbing fixtures you want to replace or repair

No bathroom renovation is complete without remodelling or repairing plumbing fixture. From the shower and bathtub to the toilet, sink and taps, everything should be in an up-to-date working condition to avoid any damage. If you’re repairing or replacing any plumbing fixture, appoint a certified plumber to get accurate installations.

  1.  Bathroom Accessories – Make sure to beautify your bathroom

Without proper lighting, any bathroom ends up being an impractical room. So, it is always important to plan for attractive lighting that is functional, stylish and also creates a beautiful atmosphere. In fact, adding new accessories such as elegant mirrors, towel rack and soap dish etc. will aid you to get a bathroom renovation on a budget.

Concluding words

Building a good bathroom incorporates many different things such as adding classy design with varied functionalities, stylish mirrors, elegant walls and floors, custom-built cabinets, vanities and so on. This checklist will save you time, money and from unwanted hassles. So you just need to print it out and keep the checklist handy whenever you’re discussing with your contractor or bathroom renovator. Good luck with your bathroom renovation project.

Jilli Smith

I am blogger and love to write home improvement related blogs. I like to stay updated with current affairs and always prefer to share my knowledge with others.

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