Anti-Cancer Diet: 10 Foods That Could Prevent Cancer

Whenever you see something going wrong with your body, look into your plate, and you are likely to find the reason right there. How can you accept to eat your favorite burger each day and face no consequences? Nature is just, so you can not enjoy the same health as a person who walks for an hour never skimps on his vegetables.

 There is no denying that the food you eat plays a vital role in determining your overall health, but there is only a certain extent to which it works. Factors like genetics, lifestyle choices, and life accidents can bring about disease too. In such cases, food can be your savior. But keep in mind that can never be as effective of a savior as medicines. Food can definitely help prevent diseases like cancer, but once you have been diagnosed with it, food can only help make the treatment more effective.

 Cancer-Fighting Food

 Reminding you again that these foods won’t attack your cancer cells directly and kill them all. They can only make your life quality better while you are on proper treatment or help prevent cancer.1. Broccoli

 Broccoli can be the number one cancer-fighting food. It contains a plant compound called sulforaphane that has potent anticancer properties. Studies suggest that a high intake of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli is linked to a lower risk of colorectal cancer and colon cancer.

 Various studies on animals have found that the use of sulforaphane can reduce the size of breast cancer cells by 75% and helps kill off prostate cancer cells and reduce their volume by 50%.

 However, keep in mind that these researchers are studying the effect of pure sulforaphane, whereas broccoli contains only some amount of it. But there is no denying that broccoli has significant anticancer properties.

2. Berries

 Well, you don’t need any reason to eat berries. One can eat them as much as possible without a care in the world, but if you are bland enough not to like berries as much, I have a valid reason for you to love them. Berries contain a plant pigment called anthocyanins. Anthocyanin has strong antioxidant properties. Therefore, it can reduce the risk of cancers.

 Dried raspberries have been found to reduce the incidence of esophageal tumors by 54% in animals. Therefore, if not treat, raspberries are guaranteed to reduce your risk of developing cancer.

3. Carrots

Eating more carrots is not suitable for your eyes only. Several studies have suggested that eating carrots can decrease your risk of developing certain types of cancer. One study, in particular, found that smokers who did not eat carrots are three times as likely to develop lung cancer than those who do eat carrots more than once per week.

 The best part about carrots is they are the easiest to incorporate into any diet. Throw a few in your salad or curry, or just chew one away daily.

4 .Beans

Beans are high in fiber, so eating them could rarely go wrong. Fibers in the beans can help you protect against colorectal cancer. People who already have had colorectal cancer can reduce their incidence of getting a reoccurrence by consuming cooked dried beans more often. Beans can also reduce the risk of colon cancer.

5. Nuts

These tiny teats do more good than just decorating your dessert. Studies show that eating a more significant amount of nuts can decrease your risk of dying from cancer. Animal studies show that feeding animals like mice reduced the growth of breast cancer cells by 80% and reduced the number of tumors by 60%.

 Also, specific nuts like brazil nuts fight against lung cancer as you contain selenium. Similarly, walnuts can fight against breast cancer. This shows that adding a serving of nuts to your daily diet can be very helpful in preventing and treating cancer.

6. Olive Oil

 Apart from fat, olive oil is loaded with benefits. Several studies indicate that a high intake of olive oil may help protect you against various types of cancer. People who consume more olive oil have a lower risk of developing breast cancer and digestive system cancer. Similarly, studying multiple areas of the world with generally greater consumption of olive oil, such countries have a lower rate of colorectal cancer.

 Substitute all the oils you use with olive oil and let it show its miracles. Not only will it help you prevent cancer it has several other health benefits.

7. Turmeric

 What is it that you need to know about the health benefits of turmeric after learning that it is sold as a supplement too? Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has various anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer effects. Curcumin can decrease the spread of colon cancer cells by targeting specific cancer cell growth, increasing enzymes.

 For noticeable results, take at least 2-3 teaspoons of turmeric powder each day. You can use it as a spice in your daily food or take supplements for it.

8. Cinnamon

 It is yet another spice that can help you reduce the risk of cancer. It is famous for lowering blood sugar and easing inflammation. Cinnamon may also block the spread of cancer cells in your body. Cinnamon essential oil, in particular, can suppress the growth of cancer cells and significantly reduce the tumor size.

9. Garlic

 Allicin, the active component in garlic, has been shown to kill off cancer cells in various test tube studies. So what makes you think that it won’t do the same in your body. Also, people who eat lots of garlic and other vegetables are less likely to get colorectal cancer.

10. Fatty Fish

Fatty fish like salmon, anchovies and mackerel, is loaded with nutrients like vitamin B, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids. People who have a diet rich in freshwater fish have a 53% lower risk for colorectal cancer. Also, consumption of fish oil is strongly associated with a significantly lower risk of prostate cancer.

 The Bottom Line

 No one food can do it all for you. You will always need a carefully curated combination of various foods that will help you get optimum external and internal health. For this, you will need to Nutritionist in Lahore through

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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