Anxiety Disorders Types, Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The American Psychological Association (APA) prescribed anxiety as” an emotion represented by feelings of mental disability and tension, sometimes mentally stress and unconditional physical changes like illness, hormonal changes, and increased blood pressure.”

The study describes that everyone can feel anxious. It’s a normal health condition and emotion. Such as, you might feel tension when looked with an issue at the workplace, before stepping through an exam, to settle down on a critical choice or before making an important decision.

Knowing the difference between normal feelings and anxiety disorder you require proper medical attention. It can help you identify your health condition either it is normal feelings or an anxiety disorder.  Anxiety issues are rare and different from other types of disease. However, sometimes anxiety can be a group of mental illnesses, psychological sicknesses, depression that can disturb one’s normal life.  However, with medical treatment, you can deal with those feelings and return to a satisfying life.

In this article, we highlight about anxiety disorder, the different types of anxiety, Causes, Symptoms, and the available treatment options.

Types of Anxiety Disorder:

Anxiety disorder is known as an umbrella term that contains different conditions:

Panic disorder During panic disorder attack you feel fear or terror that attacks indiscriminately. While you are in anxiety, you may have more sweat, feel palpitations (irregular heartbeats) or have chest pain. Often you may feel like choking that can cause a heart attack.

Social Anxiety Disorder- It is also known as social phobia; in this condition of anxiety, you may feel fare about social situations and often act negatively against social behavior. You focus on others to make decisions for you.

Specific phobias- You may feel exceptional dread of a particular item, circumstance, object or situation, for example, swimming, flying or heights. Specific phobias may be caused due to any bad experience in the past.

Generalized anxiety disorder- During generalized anxiety disorder you may experience excessive, idealistic worry and feel tension without reason or even with little reason.


Anxiety disorders have some general symptoms:

  • Sleep problems
  • Dry mouth
  • Panic, fear, and uneasiness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Tense muscles
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Cold, sweaty, disoriented or tingling feet or hands
  • Heart palpitations
  • Not stay calm and often anger

While all of these symptoms may be normal to feel in daily life. A person who is in Anxiety may experience them at extreme levels disrupts him/her normal life.


Specialists don’t know what the exact causes of anxiety disorders are. Like different types of dysfunctional behavior, they originate from a combination of various things, such as changes in your life situations and ecological pressure, environmental stress, and even your genetic factor. Sometimes anxiety disorders run through genes that naturally linked in the brain that control emotions, fear, and other behaviors.  While it is a little bit difficult to know the causes of anxiety disorders. They might occur at once, sometime might happen frequently. Here are few possible causes of anxiety disorders include:

  1. Environmental issues might cause of Anxiety, for example, challenges at the workplace, family issues or relationship issues.
  2. Genetics reason, if a person has a family member with anxiety disorders or uneasiness issues, then there is more likely chances to experiences anxiety or depression.
  3. Several medical factors may lead to stress, for example, the symptoms of an alternate malady, the impacts of a prescription, or the worry of an escalated medical procedure or delayed recuperation.
  4. Brain cells, psychologists characterize that various mental illness directly signals to the brain that ultimately affects your brain stability. So, it can cause anxiety disorders.


Anxiety treatment is a combination of psychotherapy, medication and behavioral therapy. Stress, depression or different conditions can negatively impact on mental prosperity that treating an anxiety issue. Thus its treatment is required.

Consult with Support network- you can talk with loyal people, such as a loved one, friends and family member.

Scientific studies on best CBD oils online suggest that it might help with managing anxiety. In 2011, a survey gone through on 24 people who took CBD before public speaking, they were less anxious during their speeches. As per the study of full legalization of industrial hemp, in 2018, CBD has become a worldwide home remedy for stress, depression, anxiety, and many other debilitating conditions.


Often, Ones can treat depression and anxiety issue at home without doctor consultancy. Although, this may not be a useful source for the long-term. There are few action and exercise to help a person manage with anxiety disorders, including;

Relaxation techniques- Several simple activities help to calm down the psychological and physical sign of tension. In these techniques includes; long showers, resting in green place, breathing exercises, and yoga.

Replace negative thoughts with positive ones- You can make a list of the negative thoughts that are causing anxiety, after that you should write down another list containing positive thoughts. Now replace negative thoughts with positive.

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Final Thought:

Whether you are existing symptoms or experiencing anxiety symptoms for the first time, need to book an appointment with the doctor is vital.

Evan Javier

I am an expert writer, blogger with strong passion in writing for various topics such as Business, Health/Fitness, Lifestyle, Home décor, Travel, Automotive and lot more.

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