Are Spring Showers Affecting Your Plumbing? 4 Common Springtime Plumbing Problems

Once winter is over, you may notice that you are plagued with some plumbing problems inside or outside of your home. This is fairly common, and warmer weather or melting ice or snow build-up may be the culprit. If you want to get ahead of the problems, you’ll need to know what troubles could await you. Here are four common springtime plumbing problems that can affect homeowners.

Drainage Issues Outside of Your Home

Melting snow needs to be diverted away from your home. If it isn’t, it can damage both the roof and the foundation of your home. Poor exterior drainage is common during the springtime, and it tends to be caused by gutters that need to be cleaned. Snow and ice can melt in the daytime, then freeze at night creating ice dams. Make sure the water flow of your gutters is unobstructed. 

There may also be issues with the pipes that are located outside of your home. It’s important that you deal with these drainage issues very quickly. They can cause thousands of dollars’ worth of damage if not dealt with promptly.

Pipes That Are Leaking

Your pipes will contract in the cold weather and expand when it starts to get warmer out. When this happens, you may find that one of your pipes starts to leak. One of the most obvious signs that this is happening is dripping water or a puddle near a pipe. Less obvious signs include a musty odor around some of your pipes or a higher than anticipated water bill. 

To help prevent leaking pipes, you should disconnect outdoor faucets and hoses.  You should also know where your shut off valve is, so you can find it right away if you know that a pipe has broken. Know who to call for plumbing services quickly as standing water puddles in the walls can quickly cause mold and other hazards.

An Obstructed Sewer Line

If you notice that you have less water pressure than you are used to, then you need to call a plumber. You may have an obstructed sewer line. When the temperatures heat up and trees are no longer dormant, tree roots will begin to grow, searching for water and nutrients which they can find in your pipes. This can cause them to obstruct your sewer lines and affect your water pressure.

Interior Drainage Problems

No homeowner wants to deal with a shower or sink that doesn’t drain properly. This issue can be caused by tree roots or a clog in one of your pipes. These clogs don’t tend to go away even if you use store-bought products that are meant to clear clogs. In fact, they can just make the situation worse. Many clogs tend to be very big and difficult to remove.

Unfortunately, the springtime can mean plumbing issues for many homeowners. The plumbing problems mentioned above commonly happen during the springtime. If you are having plumbing issues, it is important that you seek the assistance of a plumber right away. Trying to fix the problem yourself can lead to even more issues down the road. What you can definitely do now, though, is keep an eye out for this problems and take preventative measures. Doing so and having a plumber ready to dial can help prevent disaster.

Kara Masterson

Kara is a freelance writer from West Jordan who graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

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