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Are You at Risk of Diabetes? – Watch out For These Signs

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Diabetes has gained the mark of the first lifestyle disease that is being found in number of individuals of all ages throughout the world. Although Obesity and high blood pressure cannot be counted out, ultimately they all are inter-related due to a stress and unhealthy lifestyle habits.

Types of Diabetes, Symptoms and Cure:

Diabetes comes in two forms- Type 1, and Type 2. The Type 1 Diabetes usually occurs in young children or adults and comes to screening before the age of 30. This is considered as an autoimmune disease, wherein your immune system has destroyed the cell that aids in the production of insulin. Mostly affecting the adolescents, it sometimes causes a catastrophic onset and medical emergencies. Individuals often experience, excessive thirst, frequent urination, hunger, weight loss and sometimes even vomiting.

Type 2 diabetes on the other hand, sets in generally after the age of 40 and in this case, either the body doesn’t produce sufficient insulin or the body is resistant to its effect in turn affecting the normal glucose level.  This type is associated with long term health issues related to kidney, eyes and heart.

Some of the Major Factors leading to early-Age Diabetes can be family history of the individual, lifestyle, environmental factors, and diet.

So, if you are above 30 and have no sign of diabetes as stated above, do not count yourself out of the risk. Diabetes is not only genetic but very lifestyle ailments caused by any harmful stimulations or other related factors leading to a silent disease inside the individual’s body. Often, it shows no symptom except lethargy, anxiety, and tiredness. Other common complications or underlying diseases associated with type 2 diabetes includes:

  • Blurred Vision
  • Night Urination
  • Delayed healing
  • Fatigue
  • Numbness in Feet or hands

Anyone with sedentary lifestyle, low activity, history of diabetes in your family and age above 40 should go for a medical screening or glucose test. Those with blood glucose level higher than normal but below the level, that can be termed as “Pre-Diabetic” state.  Pre-Diabetes is a preventive stage and often a signal for people to correct their habits or change the diet that may or may be leading to full–fledged Type 2 Diabetes in the near future. Testing can be done for pre-diabetes or risk of Diabetes if:

  • Individual is obese,
  • Has family history Of Diabetes, or siblings diagnosed with Diabetes
  • History of Cardiac disorder
  • Lifestyle with low activity
  • The individual had gestational diabetes
  • Birth weight was more than 9 pounds
  • Impaired glucose tolerance
  • Insulin resistance
  • High blood pressure or
  • High level of blood Cholesterol

Checking for Pre-Diabetes is a must once you attain an age of 40 and have any one or more of the signs above. This stage is said to be the preventable step towards Diabetes. The Type 1 diabetes is still not preventable but needs diet moderation, correction of lifestyle and frequent shots of insulin along with precautions for longer life minus systemic complications. Detecting diabetes at an early age or at a Pre-Diabetic stage is quite fruitful in the long run.

What if you are At Risk of Diabetes?

Taking stress again will certainly aggravate the diabetic condition. Therefore, the patient must take it easy and follow some basic lifestyle changes and visit the doctor for medications for the related cause of Type 2 Diabetes. To decrease the risk of Diabetes, reduce the Body Weight and maintain it.

  • Enhance Healthy food habits with lots of veggies
  • Exercises and physical activity must be followed in a routine
  • Keep blood pressure and cholesterol under check. Take medicines if, your doctor prescribes so.
  • Consume less salt (sodium) and alcohol
  • Start an exercise program and maintain it
  • Limit your fat intake and reduce calories

Since the prevalence of diabetes is increasing worldwide, it is advisable to get an early screening. Regular health Check-up can help you follow up on your diet and make necessary lifestyle alterations. Further, systemic complications and emergencies can be prevented if the patients at Pre-diabetic stage or early diabetic stage are counselled for this disorder.


Besides being the main writer and owner of Life and Experiences, she is also the co-founder of Ayanize Co.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Kevin Matthews

    Very nice article. Any disease of the pancreas can result in the onset of diabetes. This is due to the depletion of cells that make insulin. My brother have had that type of diabetes. He is taking herbal treatment. One can also take herbal treatment to cure it.I’ve found so many sites to cure diabetes like :, and so on…

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