Arizer ArGo Vaporizer Sets A New Trend of Vaping

Arizer ArGo Vaporizer is a portable vaporizer with some easy tricks that allow the users to pack the device up with tobacco or weed and have a modified smoking experience. It is claimed to be one of the best hybrid vaporizers that are mostly used around the globe. It is developed with a number of innovative features which were lacked in the predecessors such as Arizer Air and Solo.

What Are the Features and Accessories Present in Arizer Argo Vaporizer?

The accessories that accompany a single set of Arizer ArGo Vaporizer are a USB charger, four screens, a stirring tool, glass stems, silicon stem caps and a carrying case for user’s convenience.

  • Glass tube for loading herbs and keeping freshness in the aroma
  • Silicon coated high quality plastic body
  • Interchangeable and rechargeable 3400mAh battery
  • Prolonged charge and battery life
  • Compact and light weighted unit
  • A short and narrow vapor path
  • Needs frequent cleaning for the continued functioning

What Are the Features and Specialties of The Arizer Argo Vaporizer?

Arizer ArGo Vaporizer is made of high-quality plastic food and medical grade. It is coated with silicon for an eye-catching softer finishing. The smooth outer shell gives it a fine finish and convenience in holding. Unlike many other vaporizers, it features a replaceable 18650 3.7V battery.  This 3400mAh battery is rechargeable and it is claimed to be fully useable up-to 90 minutes after a single charge. Though Arizer ArGo is larger than many of its similar products like Pax or crafty this is still a compact and light weighted vaporizer with a size of 3.5×2 in to carry in one’s pocket with little effort.

The Unit Also Contains A Mouthpiece Guard for An Added Protection:

The unit contains a mouthpiece guard which has to be pushed down before using. By doing so the glass aroma tube is exposed. Then the tube is to be placed in its original position in the heating chamber. The Arizer ArGo Vaporizer has three buttons, viz. ‘m’, ‘+’ and ‘-by which the power on/off and temperature of the device can be controlled.

An aggressive but controlled heat up time is essential for the effectiveness of a vaporizer. It is claimed that Arizer ArGo can reach up-to its highest temperature, i.e. 428°F in about a minute and a half. It immediately starts to cool down after a draw.

It Is Important to Take Care of The Daily Upkeep of The Vaporizer:

Despite all these new and user-friendly characteristics, Arizer ArGo Vaporizer has a few and minor drawbacks. These include a comparatively complicated cleaning system. The vapor path of the unit is short, and it leads to resistance in a draw after a few sessions. Therefore, the unit needs frequent cleaning and maintenance for an uninterrupted use.

Like other vaporizer stuff, Arizer ArGo Vaporizer has brought a dynamic change in the smoking habits of people around the world. The vaping or smoking through any means may give a person a wonderful feeling and joy but we cannot say that it is free from harm. Likewise, Arizer ArGo Vaporizer is comparatively safe from traditional means of smoking weed or tobacco but still, it’s not 100% free from negative health effects. Since it contains an ultraportable design, it is easy to carry, and it does not cause any environmental pollution altogether. You can control it with simple methods, and also stay updated about the essential customization notifications. Since it gives you the designer pathways of ceramic, glass and steel, it also becomes one of the stylistic devices which you can use for an optimum vaping experience.

zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger and social media promoter by providing valuable information which help readers to get more ideas.

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