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Autoimmune Disease Means The Body Attacks Itself

The immune system attacks cells in the body. The immune system is a stronghold for the body against disease and foreign cells, such as bacteria and viruses.

This immune disorder can affect various parts of a person’s body. So many recorded there are 80 types of autoimmune diseases with some of the same symptoms. This makes it difficult to know whether a person suffers from this disorder or not and in which type. Meanwhile, the cause of the autoimmune disease is still not certain.

The Most Common Autoimmune Diseases

Of the various types of autoimmune diseases, some of the autoimmune diseases below are the most frequently encountered, including:

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a common autoimmune disease. The immune system creates immunizers that attack the lining of the joints. The result of this antibody attack is inflammation, swelling, and pain in the joints. A severe inflammatory reaction can also cause damage to other parts of the body, such as the skin, eyes, and lungs. Sometimes, the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can be similar to those of other diseases, such as osteoarthritis and rheumatic polymyalgia.

If left untreated, this disease will cause permanent damage to the joints. To prevent it from deteriorating, the patient rheumatic  arthritis usually, you will be given Buy Ivermectin online and Ziverdo Kit that function to reduce the activity of the immune system.


Another autoimmune disease that we often hear about is systemic lupus erythematosus, or what we call lupus. This disease causes the formation of antibodies that attack almost all body tissues of the sufferer. The body parts that are most often attacked are the joints, lungs, kidneys, skin, connective tissue, blood vessels, bone marrow, and nervous tissue. Lupus that attacks the bone marrow can cause aplastic anemia.

Until now, no drug can cure lupus. Lupus treatment generally aims to suppress the immune system, thereby reducing inflammation and preventing further organ damage.

Multiple sclerosis

When a person’s immune system attacks its nerve cells, some dire symptoms are at risk as a result. Some of the signs that can arise are pain, blindness, impaired body coordination, and muscle spasms. Other signs that may arise are tremors, numbness in the leg area, paralysis, difficulty speaking, or difficulty walking.

To treat it, certain Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg can be used to suppress the immune system. Physiotherapy & occupational therapy can be used to help MS patients perform daily activities.


Psoriasis is when the immune system is overactive, causing the skin to experience a chronic condition. This disease is caused by one of the blood cells in the overactive immune system, namely the T-cell. The accumulation of T-cells in the skin stimulates the skin to grow faster than it should. Symptoms of psoriasis include scaly patches on the skin and flaking that leaves a shiny white layer. To treat it, the doctor will give drugs that suppress the immune system, such as corticosteroids, as well as light therapy.

The more likely it is to prevent complications from autoimmune diseases.

Frank Wynn

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